A Secret Aspiration


A Secret Aspiration

Dear Kids,
Mark 10:43b. “…but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.”
Why don’t you just admit it? Deep down everyone has a desire to do something great – to be really good at something, to leave behind a legacy, to be recognized for something worthwhile. If you are honest you are no different than I am. No matter how hard you try to stuff it, down deep that aspiration is there.
From the time I was young I was always the kid who sat on the sidelines and hoped that someone would notice me. At camp I was the little girl who hung back while other more outgoing campers sat on the counsellors lap and got all the attention. I longed for someone to notice me and discover all my hidden talents that I was sure were buried deep inside.
As I got older and grew in my relationship with the Lord I continued to desire to do something big -but this time it was something big for Him. You know, tell lots of people about Jesus and His plan for salvation, go to some far off mission field, be bold in speaking my testimony to strangers. All of these things are good aspirations, but I am still the same person I was born to be – a somewhat shy girl who is a bit of an introvert.
I always wondered if I had what it would take to do something really significant until the Lord spoke the truth to me. He told me through His word that in order to be great in His kingdom one just needs to be a servant. When you love Jesus, you love others, and no task is too menial or ordinary to show you care. In fact, Jesus Himself said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Wow! If Jesus came to serve and love others, then I can do that, too! The greatest thing anyone can do is follow in Jesus’ steps imitating Him. This is the best way to make a difference in the world and draw others to Christ. Let your light so shine before men so they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.No more sitting on the sidelines waiting to be noticed. There is a lot to do. It’s time to fold the laundry, make that phone call to encourage a lonely friend, bring that meal to a bedridden invalid, or maybe look for a little kid who is sitting on the sidelines and tell her that Jesus thinks she’s special.

So do you have a secret longing to do something important and meaningful? Then be just like Jesus and live your life to love and serve others. In doing so, you can change your world.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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