Love is Kind


Love is Kind

I Corinthians 13:4b “Love is kind.”
I can still hear your childish voices reciting the first Bible verse we taught you. Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind…” was practiced and referred to often in our house from the time each little one could speak. These two words encompass so much of how we should love and act towards one another. Yet these same words are so hard to put into practice. We now often laugh at the infamous video of you siblings quoting this verse, only to seconds later start grabbing and yelling at each other.
Adults are often no better with these two words. The same people who would insist that they love others sometimes seem to have a hard time speaking gracious words when they are wronged, finding an amicable solution to a problem, or showing compassion to those who are different or hard to love.
Jesus is not a respecter of persons. His kindness is extended to everyone.
High-pitched voices, childish speech, and the cries of infants filled the air while hovering young mothers shushed and gave last minute instructions. “You must behave today, children, we are going to see a very great teacher. He has done many great works and we are going to ask him to pray for you. Please stand still and pay attention when he touches you with His powerful hands.”
The children could hardly contain their excitement as they strained to see the kind face of this famous Rabbi. But expressions fell and tears threatened to escape motherly eyes when the burly men standing around the teacher approached with stormy faces. “Why are you here? You are making too much noise and the Master has no time to see you. Go away and take these ragamuffins with you. Shoo!”
With stooping shoulders the embarrassed women turned their flock to go, but stopped short when a gentle voice called out, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Oh what joy and laughter filled the hillside that day as each little one took his turn sitting on the Master’s lap. Chubby arms grasped His neck while tiny lips lisped words of love in His ear. The loving and kind Savior smiled and looked with tender eyes on each mother and child that day. Everyone went home with full hearts and joyful spirits.
Kindness is a huge part of loving. If you would love like Jesus, then you must show compassion to all  you meet.
Now, let’s all review the first Bible verse you ever learned – “Be kind…” Make sure these two words always encompass the way you love and act towards one another.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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