A Mrs. Beasley Christmas


A Mrs. Beasley Christmas

Psalm 33:20 “We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.”
The Christmas season is one of expectations. There are very few in our consumer-oriented culture who escape the desire for something special and magical to happen Christmas morning. From the time we are children we are conditioned to ask for things we want and then hope that our desires will be fulfilled in the package under the tree.
When I was a child I hoped that I would get a new doll every year. I could hardly wait until Christmas morning when I would open the rectangular box that would hold my new baby. Each new doll was added to my family and I loved and cared for them all year long.
One summer, when I was about eight, I saw a doll that was a little different than my usual baby doll. American Girl dolls were not available at the time, but this doll was very similar. I thought she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I asked if I could get her the following Christmas.
All throughout the fall I continued to hope and look forward to opening this special gift, but when Christmas morning rolled around there was some kind of confusion. I excitedly opened my beautiful doll’s box . . . only to be greeted by the strangest doll I had ever seen. She had yellow curly hair, wore granny glasses, was dressed in a blue poka-dotted outfit, and said interesting things when you pulled her string like, “Long ago, I was a little girl just like you!” I tried to act excited, but this Mrs. Beasley doll simply was not what I was hoping for.
We all laugh about this now, but it was a good lesson that taught me that life doesn’t always turn out the way you hope it will. That is why it is important to make sure your hope is in SomeONE and not in someTHING. This is what the Christmas season is really all about.
From the beginning of time God promised to send a Messiah to save the world from the sin that entered creation when Adam and Eve disobeyed. All through the years God’s people watched and waited expectantly for the Savior to come. One starry night in Bethlehem their hopes were fulfilled in the most unexpected way. A real live baby boy was born to a virgin in a dirty stable where she laid Him in a feed box manger. This child, Jesus, was the Son of God and was born to provide a way through His death and resurrection to restore the human race’s relationship with God.
American Girl Doll, Kit
Those who put their hope and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ will never be disappointed. Not only has He secured our eternal future in heaven, but He is our daily help and shield as we maneuver the disappointments this life will always bring.
Guess what! For my thirtieth birthday I opened up another rectangle box and inside was my very own American Girl doll, Kit. What a special surprise!
Yet even Kit can never compare to the first Christmas baby that was born in a stable beneath a shining heavenly star. This unspeakable gift that God sent to earth, His very own Son, will never disappoint! Put all your hopes in Him this Christmas season.




  1. Debby Stuart on December 10, 2014 at 4:23 AM

    Thanks Sandy! I loved my Mrs. Beasley doll! I love baby Jesus most of all!

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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