I Wonder . . .


I Wonder . . .

Daniel 4:19a “Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was appalled for a while as his thoughts alarmed him.”
Sweet Cousin Aletheia

Have you ever wondered why certain things happen and other things don’t? Why some people make good decisions and others don’t? Why certain individuals have a change of mind while others continue to grow hard-hearted? Why some circumstances bring about positive change and other experiences end badly? How could we, as humans, possibly know, but I wonder . . .

I started this wondering thing last week while reading about two very strong men. Pharaoh, the mighty king of Egypt who enslaved the children of Israel piqued my interest. This tyrant was so strong-willed and cruel as he drove God’s people mercilessly, forcing them to work hours on end without even providing the supplies they needed. When confronted by Moses with God’s command to “Let My children go!” Pharaoh continually refused. Through a series of ten plagues that moved from nuisance to devastation, Pharoah’s heart was hardened. Eventually his hard heart brought him to the Red Sea where God destroyed him and the whole army of Egypt.
In contrast, I thought about King Nebuchadnezzar. This was another strong and prideful king who had no regard for the true God of heaven. He treated God’s people poorly by besieging the city of Jerusalem and taking items from God’s house, along with some of the best and brightest young Hebrew men, to serve him in his country. He forced them to adopt his people’s heathen customs and dietary laws and to bow down to a golden image that he had made. When several brave young men refused, he had them thrown into a burning and fiery furnace only to be surprised that the fire didn’t touch them. In fact, he noticed that a fourth man, whom he recognized as divine, was walking in the fire with them.
Though this experience brought Nebuchadnezzar to a place of acknowledging the Most High God, he soon reverted to his heathen and prideful ways. As the story continues God brings a terrible experience upon this powerful man – he goes crazy and becomes like a beast of the field. After seven years of eating grass like cattle and living an inhuman existence, this wretched man lifted his eyes to heaven and submitted to the sovereign God of the universe. God restored his kingdom and the king’s words were ones of praise and worship.
But why did one man perish in hardness of heart while the other responded in humility and was restored?
I don’t really know the answer . . . but I do wonder . . .
Throughout the story of Nebuchadnezzar, there was another man always in the background. His name was Daniel, and he was known as a man of prayer. Three times a day he bowed before the God of heaven to pray and give thanks. God gave him visions. One time a mighty warrior angel even fought through evil forces to bring him an answer to his petitions.
Through interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s terrible nightmare, Daniel warned the king of the judgment that was to come upon him. Though Nebuchadnezzar seemed unconcerned by the dream’s meaning, Daniel was appalled and terribly alarmed. I am sure this man of prayer returned to his home to speak to God about all his concerns. Since God’s desire is for his children to pray for their leaders, I believe Daniel spoke to God concerning this prideful king. Perhaps even as many as three times a day he brought the name of Nebuchadnezzar before his God. Though the prideful king did experience each of the awful points of his dream, the outcome was a blessing. He finally turned to God and his life was completely changed.
Could it be that the effective and fervent prayers of a righteous man brought about the change? I wonder . . .
I don’t know all the answers about how and why God works in the lives of people. But I do know that God hears and answers the prayers of those who come to him in faith. Could our prayers make the difference in the outcome of even the most difficult of people? I wonder . . .



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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