Dancing at Midnight: Why We Need Each Other

father, son, people

Dancing at Midnight: Why We Need Each Other

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
Life is pretty rough when we face it alone. God promises He will never leave nor forsake us and often He sends encouragement through other believers. That is why the Bible teaches that we need each other. A good friend can build us up, correct us, strengthen us, help us, stretch us, and protect us. And sometimes a good friend can even get you to dance at midnight!
There are some people who are like beautiful kites. They love to soar up into the wild blue yonder. Then there are others who hang on to the kite string for dear life. These kinds of people need each other. In the effort to keep free spirited “kites” from flying away and getting lost, “kite holders” may get their feet lifted off the ground and experience the freeing joy of dancing in the sky.
I am a kite holder. I grab hold of a string and hold on for dear life. I don’t often go looking for excitement and adventure because I am satisfied with the norm. I usually go to bed pretty early. When the clock strikes 10:00, I rush to jump under the covers so that I don’t turn into a pumpkin. This goes on day after day with out much change.  Even on New Year’s Eve I usually fall asleep before the ball drops – but not this year!
This year Abigail and I spent the holiday with Aunt Angela. As my normal bedtime hour approached I started to yawn and think about turning in. But Aunt Angela and Abigail, two beautiful “kites,” would have none of that; they decided that New Year’s Eve warranted a celebration. Reluctantly, I agreed and the three of us got on YouTube to learn some new line dances. We had great fun, but after about an hour, I started to feel the lack of sleep lulling my brain into a trance. I sat down on the couch, but was immediately encouraged to keep going.
“After all,” I was told, “whatever you are doing at midnight is what you will do most of the year.” (No wonder I sleep so much.)
So I rolled off the sofa and continued pushing myself to the limit. Guess what! I’ve not had so much fun in a long time. If I had fallen asleep at my usual bedtime, this “kite holder” would have missed the chance to fly, as well as the fireworks that went off at midnight.
So remember, whether you are a “kite” or a “kite holder,” life is rough if you go it alone. That is why you need each other.  Encourage and build one another up, and in this way the “kites” won’t fly away and the “kite holders” won’t miss the chance to dance at midnight!



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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