Found Treasure Worth More Than Marbles


Found Treasure Worth More Than Marbles

2 Timothy 3:15 “. . . from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

The phone was ringing off the hook last week! We were selling a glass decanter of old marbles and it seems they were very desirable. Calls from all over the country came in to inquire about the condition, size, colors, quantity, and age. Just a jar of glass spheres – but so special. I couldn’t wait to see how much they would sell for.

Auction day rolled around and the crowds were record breaking. The facility was full of hopeful people and beautiful antiques, but I only wanted to know the selling price of one thing – the marbles.

The auctioneer started his chant. The clerk was poised and ready. Bid spotters scanned the crowd and manned the phones for the absentee buyers. The race was on! The bidding passed $1,000 and continued to climb while everyone held their breath in anticipation.

The gavel came down as the featured jar sold for the astounding price of $2,200!

Oh, how I wish I had the box of colorful aggies that Uncle Chuck and IIMG_0023 played with as kids at Great-Grandma’s house. Who would have ever dreamed this child’s plaything would bring so much?

I never could have afforded to buy such an expensive item, but guess what?

The other day I found a better treasure in the bottom of a box lot left for the trash after another auction. What I found was more precious than fine gold and sweeter than honey. Underneath the other miscellaneous junk were two worn Bibles. I grabbed them and took them home, giving one to a friend and keeping the other for myself.

IMG_2562These two copies of God’s Word were overlooked by those who had their eyes on other “fancier” things. But for me this was the best find ever! Within the worn pages are words that can make even the youngest of children wise about God’s plan of salvation. There are directions for living life to the fullest. There are warnings about the evil one who seeks to kill and destroy. Each word is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that God’s children may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I am still reeling over the great price that someone paid for a glass jar of antique marbles, but as far as I am concerned I got the better deal!

I wouldn’t trade God’s ancient and living words recorded in the Bible for a whole truckload of old marbles.



P.S. To see a video of Dad selling these marbles, click here.


  1. Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros on March 8, 2016 at 12:53 PM

    What a great find! Almost always the beauty is in what is overlooked. So glad you found this treasure. God bless you this week, Sandy!

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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