Harvest Time


Harvest Time

Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


Dear Kids,
It’s harvest time! How do I know? I know because the crops have tractor-in-the-fieldturned brown, dust infiltrates the air, tractors rumble along the road blocking traffic, and bright combines lumber through the fields spitting a golden reward into the beds of gigantic grain trucks. It is harvest time, and my farmer friends are scurrying to bring in the fruit of all their labors.

This week I sat in the living room of our neighbor’s house. Three of us were there to read and study the Bible together. As we discussed the passage their husbands and other farmers working together outside the window distracted me. I sensed the urgency and excitement of the task as I watched one run on foot full speed up the lane and reappear with a John Deere gator in full throttle. Back and forth they went working together to accomplish their task. Even as the darkness hid the crops the lights were still seen moving to and fro through the fields.

harvested-cornThe girls and I discussed harvest time and I was impressed with the importance of everyone’s involvement. Though my friends don’t ride in the tractors they are very much involved in other ways. All throughout the busy season they take turns cooking and packaging meals that can be eaten on the go. They take the meals to the fields so the guys can grab their sacks and eat as they attend to their task. That way there will be no break in the work, and it can continue on until all the crops are safely in from the fields.

As Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages teaching the good news of God’s kingdom and healing every disease and sickness, the crowds of hurting people plucked His heart strings. He looked at them with compassion because they were pulled in all directions by the things of this world. In response He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Today the fields are still ready to be harvested. Humanity is hurting in every way – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The world needs a Savior found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. God is looking for men and women, who will enter the fields, tell others about Him and bring in a harvest for His kingdom.

Each believer is important in the reaping process. The fields belong to God and He makes the Gospel seed grow in human hearts, but we are needed to share the message. Many have given their lives to serve Him in foreign missions, but even those of us who remain in our hometowns are important. Look around! There are many souls right next door longing for the message of hope.

There is a task for all of us and just like the women provided food for the working farmers we are called upon to provide prayer support for those laboring in difficult places. We must pray for additional laborers, and ask God to provide Holy Spirit power, courage, protection and strength. We can also share in the work through encouragement, and financial giving.

There is urgency in the air. The fields are golden and ready to be harvested. You may not be riding on a large tractor or combine but if you know Jesus you are called to participate in the harvest of souls. Look around right where you are – the harvest is plentiful and the farmers are out. Will you be one of the workers?





  1. […] and pray for God’s Spirit to give sight to the spiritually blind, we participate in the great harvest of souls for […]

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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