What’s Really Behind Your Mask?

What's Really Behind Your Mask?

What’s Really Behind Your Mask?

Jeremiah 17:9-10a “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the LORD search the heart . . .” (NIV)

Dear Kids,

We now live in a world where masks are an everyday reality. Every time you engage with someone – whether at work, school, or store – everyone wears a mask to protect themselves and others. But is this really very different than what has always been?

The other day I took my weekly grocery shopping trip into town. While in the store I ran into four people I thought I knew. I didn’t recognize any of them at first because half of their face was covered, but after scrutinizing their other physical characteristics, even one person’s sandaled feet, I realized they were acquaintances. It took some time and effort to recognize these individuals because I couldn’t see an important part of their face.

Creativity With Your Masks

Since the mandate to mask up, I’ve also noticed a wide variety of creativity. I’ve come across big toothy smiley faces, scary monster grimaces, animal snouts, and masks with various messages. Each of these is meant to draw attention to the wearer and evoke some sort of response, but no one really knows the true sentiment behind the cloth cover.

This may seem like a new and strange development in our COVID-19 world, but people have been masking up for years. Some of the seemingly happiest people I’ve known have struggled with debilitating depression within the recesses of their inner self. Other ultra-charismatic people sometimes have ulterior motives. Their smooth and well-timed words may be meant to induce the response they want from the hearer. What we initially see in people is not always the truth of their character.

God Sees Behind Your Mask

Although we can’t always discern what’s behind the masks people wear, there is Someone Who can. God is not fooled by a laughing face cover trying to disguise tears. Likewise, He never capitulates to smooth talk and calculated actions meant to use others for personal gain. He sees directly into the soul and discerns the deepest hurts and truest motives. This can be a scary thought if your heart is not right. But it is also very comforting when others don’t get you or understand your broken heart.

I’m sorry to say that for now it looks like masks are around to stay for a while. So keep your creative stash handy and available for all occasions. But while you must keep your mouth and nose covered for safety’s sake, be careful not to cover up the true sentiments of your heart. Friends and family may not always see the real you, but there is Someone who does. And not even a mask will fool Him.




  1. Bart Sheridan on September 25, 2020 at 8:28 AM

    Love it! Thanks for the reminder that God is always available and He is able to see through our masks!

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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