About Me

Welcome to Verses from Mama!

I’m so glad you’re here!

I am “Mama” to five adult children and “Nana” to seven sweet little girls and five little boys.

Since becoming a mother over three decades ago, I have prayed my children would love and serve God. I was reminded that God primarily works through His Word, the Bible. I wondered how I could encourage my children to daily listen for God’s voice in a world full of busyness and worldly temptations. So I decided to engage them through regular letters.  And that was the beginning of Verses from Mama.

I write these inspirational letters of truth, healing, and hope to my children, grandchildren, and all who long for a mama’s touch. My goal is to share biblical truths illustrated by every day, real life stories so all my readers will be encouraged to recognize God in each part of their day and desire to know Him more. I pray you will be blessed as you hear God speak one Bible verse at a time.




About Me

I am a New Jersey girl from the suburbs of New York City, but always dreamt of living on a farm. God fulfilled this dream when in 1989 I married Bart. We soon moved from New Jersey back to his home state of Ohio and settled on a small farm that now totals nearly eighty acres. There we raised five children with the freedom and joy of country living and now share that same blessing with our quickly growing passel of grandchildren. I am employed by the family auction and real estate business as an administrative assistant, auction cashier/clerk, and Realtor®.

I enjoy reading, long walks, spending time with family, and relishing small town country life. When not loving on our grandchildren, Bart and I enjoy participating in the family business and ministering among our church family and local community.

I have been a writer for the past decade and enjoy a growing audience through a successful weekly column in several local and regional publications as well as through my website and social media. Most of my columns revolve around everyday life in the country, at auctions, and around the streets and back roads of our small town home. Even with my expanding audience, I continue to write each article as a mother’s letter of encouragement to all my children one Bible verse at a time.

What Others Are Saying

God’s Free Gift

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Who doesn’t love a free gift? Most people thrill to receive something for which they don’t have to pay. Sometimes businesses give freebies to draw customers. Others give gifts because they feel guilty and want to make up to the person they harmed. Still others are just generous and use presents to generate smiles from their loved ones. But one thing is certain. No gift is truly free. Someone always has to pay the price. 

The Bible tells us about an incredible free gift available for every person. It is the gift of eternal life. But this amazing gift doesn’t come without a price. In fact, the cost surpasses any other present ever given because it cost God the life of His Son.
