
Tea with Mama offers encouragement through down-home, easy to understand Bible conversation using stories and vignettes from everyday life.
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Breathtaking Beauty – Podcast
I couldn’t help thinking about this Psalm one evening as I sat enjoying the view from my kitchen window. The gorgeous sunset reminded me of the Lord Who created all this beauty and I couldn’t help but write about it. If you were blessed by today’s episode, consider buying me a cup of tea to…

Hidden Beauty – Podcast
Many years ago when I was still in high school, I learned an important lesson about beauty that nobody could have taught me with mere words. If you were blessed by today’s episode, consider buying me a cup of tea to help support my ministry!

Loose Lips Sink Ships – Podcast
A few years ago we were watching Abigail’s middle school perform in the musical, Kilroy was Here, a comedy set in the WW2 era. One of the lines in the song, “Spies,” says, “We mustn’t lose our grip, here’s a tip, Loose lips sink ships.” Sssssshhhhh!” Many thousands of years before the 1940’s God’s word…

I’ve Never Been This Way Before – Podcast
All through life we will often find ourselves in places we’ve never been before or faced with new things that really challenge us, but when we look to the Lord He will guide us and help us. So whether your struggle pertains to a computer program, a new cricut machine or matters of life, always…

The Handmade Quilt – Podcast
I wrote this article a number or years ago after attending the funeral of my friend’s mother. As I stood in the church looking at all the family pictures and the beautiful handwork that represented this talented woman’s life, I was reminded of the creativity and love of our Creator used in making each of…
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Welcome to Verses from Mama!
I’m so glad you’re here!
I am “Mama” to five adult children and “Nana” to five sweet little girls and four little boys
Since becoming a mother over three decades ago, I have prayed my children would love and serve God. I was reminded that God primarily works through His Word, the Bible. I wondered how I could encourage my children to daily listen for God’s voice in a world full of busyness and worldly temptations. So I decided to engage them through regular letters. And that was the beginning of Verses from Mama.
I write these inspirational letters of truth, healing, and hope to my children, grandchildren, and all who long for a mama’s touch. My goal is to share biblical truths illustrated by every day, real life stories so all my readers will be encouraged to recognize God in each part of their day and desire to know Him more. I pray you will be blessed as you hear God speak one Bible verse at a time.