Jesus Heals Two Blind Men: Physical and Spiritual Sight
By Sandra Sheridan | | Comfort, Encouragement, God’s Love, God’s Power, Help for the Hurting, Knowing God, Salvation
Jesus heals two blind men and shows compassion on them despite their social standing. Today Jesus imparts spiritual sight to all who cry out to Him.
Servant Leadership: The Ultimate Example
By Sandra Sheridan | | Discipleship, Fellowship, Spiritual Disciplines
Jesus shared His heart with His disciples and they weren't paying attention. Consequently they missed the greatest example of servant leadership.
The Parable of the Vineyard: It’s Not Too Late For Grace
By Sandra Sheridan | | Encouragement, Knowing God, Salvation
Jesus told the parable of the vineyard workers to illustrate God's amazing grace. God will have mercy on whom He will, so it is not too late for grace!
The Importance and Benefits of Servanthood
By Sandra Sheridan | | Discipleship, Obedience, Spiritual Disciplines
Repetition is one key to knowing what God says is important. Jesus continually spoke of the importance of the countercultural theme of servanthood.
Finding Eternal Life and the Rich Young Man
By Sandra Sheridan | | Faith, Salvation
There is something the Do-It-Yourselfer can't accomplish. This is attaining eternal life. A rich young man found this out when he spoke with Jesus
Let the Little Children Come to Me: The Inestimable Value of Children
By Sandra Sheridan | | Faith, Family Life, Knowing God, Wisdom for Living
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men: Physical and Spiritual Sight
By Sandra Sheridan | | Comfort, Encouragement, God’s Love, God’s Power, Help for the Hurting, Knowing God, Salvation
Jesus heals two blind men and shows compassion on them despite their social standing. Today Jesus imparts spiritual sight to all who cry out to Him.
Servant Leadership: The Ultimate Example
By Sandra Sheridan | | Discipleship, Fellowship, Spiritual Disciplines
Jesus shared His heart with His disciples and they weren't paying attention. Consequently they missed the greatest example of servant leadership.
The Parable of the Vineyard: It’s Not Too Late For Grace
By Sandra Sheridan | | Encouragement, Knowing God, Salvation
Jesus told the parable of the vineyard workers to illustrate God's amazing grace. God will have mercy on whom He will, so it is not too late for grace!
The Importance and Benefits of Servanthood
By Sandra Sheridan | | Discipleship, Obedience, Spiritual Disciplines
Repetition is one key to knowing what God says is important. Jesus continually spoke of the importance of the countercultural theme of servanthood.
Finding Eternal Life and the Rich Young Man
By Sandra Sheridan | | Faith, Salvation
There is something the Do-It-Yourselfer can't accomplish. This is attaining eternal life. A rich young man found this out when he spoke with Jesus
Let the Little Children Come to Me: The Inestimable Value of Children
By Sandra Sheridan | | Faith, Family Life, Knowing God, Wisdom for Living
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”