The Amazing Power of Encouragement

The Amazing Power of Encouragement
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”
Dear Family & Friends,
Encouragement is crucial to every individual and it happens in many different ways. Sometimes we are encouraged when an undertaking results in great success. Other times a friend speaks words of hope and courage that give us the impetus to continue on in the midst of discouragement. But still other times the encouragement comes in the form of a warning or distraction.
The Protective Power of Encouragement
The other morning, as is my habit, I started out on a brief walk with my dog, Apache, before heading to work. Apache ran ahead sniffing and digging in the soil along the lane looking for moles and other little animals that burrow under the earth. As I approached the end of our lane a sudden movement caught my eye. I looked up in time to see a magnificent buck racing across the open field on the other side of our road.
As I watched the muscular brown form bound towards the woods I immediately thought of Apache still digging in the dirt. I knew it was important she did not catch wind of this beautiful creature crossing the neighboring field or she would be gone in a flash to join in the chase. So quickly and as enthusiastically as I could I called her, “Come on, Apache, let’s go home!” and started running down the lane towards the house. Thankfully, she obeyed, sped ahead of me to the barn, and disaster was averted!
A Warning From the Book of Hebrews
This little interaction with my dog got me thinking about my recent Bible study in the book of Hebrews. The author spends much of his time exhorting and warning his readers to persevere in their faith despite the trials they were facing. There were many temptations for these Jewish believers to race off after the traditions they had held in the past instead of continuing on in the message of salvation first announced by the Lord Jesus – a message confirmed by those who had heard Him speak and verified by signs, wonders, various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 2:3-4).
After presenting his case as to who Jesus is and why He is better than angels and the prophet Moses, the author warns his readers not only to keep their hearts open to the truth, but to encourage one another daily so that none would be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. The pull of sin draws so many away from the truth, so we must stay alert and watch out for ourselves as well as for each other.
Stay on Guard Against Temptation
When I saw the buck racing through the field I knew he would be a temptation for Apache to run and not listen to my call, so I distracted her to keep her safe. In the same way we can stay on guard against sin by knowing our own temptations and taking pains to stay clear of these. To encourage our friends and loved ones, we can pray for their protection asking God to lead them away from their own temptations. When we see something that could be a trigger we can give warnings or direct our fellow believers to avoid Satan’s traps.
We all need encouragement in many different forms. Success is great! Words that give courage and hope are comforting and motivating. But sometimes what we really need is a warning or distraction. So don’t forget to encourage one another every day. In so doing you will be kept from chasing after sin in its deceitfulness, and you may just avert yourself or another fellow believer from a very real danger!
If you have been blessed by Verses from Mama consider buying me a cup of tea to help with the costs of this ministry. Thank you!
So good Sandy. Shared this as a timely word.
Thanks, Julie!!!