
The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: A Story of Betrayal and Redemption

In the parable of the wicked tenants, Jesus revealed the hearts of the religious leaders. Despite all God had done these men refused to believe.
The Parable of the Wicked Tenants

How to Move Mountains: Faith and the Power of Prayer

How to move mountains? It's by fully trusting and submitting our will to our powerful God who hears our prayers of faith and answers them.
How to move mountains

What Can We Learn From the Parable of Two Sons?

Jesus responds to a test question with a pointed parable of two sons. No matter your sin, there is still time to obey and believe.
parable of two sons

Jesus’ Important Lesson of the Fig Tree

Object lessons are an effective way of teaching a lesson. Jesus used the lesson of the fig tree to portray two types of responses to God.
The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Jesus Clears the Temple and Controls His Destiny

Jesus managed every circumstance to line up with His intended purpose. Even when Jesus clears the temple He did this to fulfill Scripture.
Jesus Clears the Temple

WHO DEY – Victory in Jesus

We love cheering for our favorite sports teams. Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. But there is a guaranteed victory in Jesus!
Victory in Jesus
the eternal God

Victory Over Time: Resting in the Eternal God

There is only One Who stands outside time: the eternal God. if you find yourself burdened by constraints of time, remember who holds your future.
God's Power

When ‘You Can Do Anything’ Isn’t Enough – Trusting God’s Power Over Human Limitation

While "You can do anything you set your mind to" may sound empowering, it’s ultimately untrue. Only God's power can accomplish everything.
God, the Lover of Your Soul

The Heavenly Love Triangle: Honoring the Lover of Your Soul

In life’s ultimate love triangle, who will you choose? Will you fall prey to the the enemy or pledge yourself exclusively to the Lover of your soul?
Growing Into the image of Christ

Maturing in Faith: Growing Into the Image of Christ

Time changes things - even us. As Christians, our character should improve over time as we become more like the image of Christ. 
New Beginnings

New Beginnings with Forgiveness and Faith

New beginnings are a special gift, but sometimes they are hard to enjoy. But in Christ you can start again with forgiveness and faith.
overcoming rejection

Overcoming Rejection: The Eternal Welcome in Christ

Jesus Christ endured rejection so we wouldn't have to. If you're seeking a place of ultimate acceptance, the arms of the Father are open wide.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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