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Tea with Mama offers encouragement through down-home, easy to understand Bible conversation using stories and vignettes from everyday life.

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Tea with Mama

Introducing “Tea With Mama”

Subscribe today to make sure that you don’t miss out on any biblical wisdom shared over a cup of tea with Sandy Sheridan. Sandy writes a bible based blog full of biblical and faith-filled resources found at www.versesfrommama.com Grab your mug and enjoy some Tea With Mama!

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Welcome to Verses from Mama!

I’m so glad you’re here!

I am “Mama” to five adult children and “Nana” to five sweet little girls and four little boys

Since becoming a mother over three decades ago, I have prayed my children would love and serve God. I was reminded that God primarily works through His Word, the Bible. I wondered how I could encourage my children to daily listen for God’s voice in a world full of busyness and worldly temptations. So I decided to engage them through regular letters.  And that was the beginning of Verses from Mama.

I write these inspirational letters of truth, healing, and hope to my children, grandchildren, and all who long for a mama’s touch. My goal is to share biblical truths illustrated by every day, real life stories so all my readers will be encouraged to recognize God in each part of their day and desire to know Him more. I pray you will be blessed as you hear God speak one Bible verse at a time.


