Jesus Clears the Temple and Controls His Destiny

Jesus Clears the Temple

Jesus Clears the Temple and Controls His Destiny

“Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there.”

Matthew 21:12

Dear Family & Friends,

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have complete control over your life? You would make a plan and then orchestrate every event to accomplish this plan. For humans, this is impossible. Even the most organized and powerful run into unexpected events that change the course of their lives. But Jesus was different. As King of heaven and Son of God He managed every circumstance to line up with His intended purpose and to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies. Even when Jesus clears the temple He did this to fulfill Scripture.

Jesus Clears the Temple

After Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey and stirring up excitement in the crowds, He entered the temple area. There He saw the mockery greedy and power-hungry men were making of His Father’s house by selling sacrificial animals there at exorbitant prices. 

Making a whip out of cords, Jesus drove all the moneychangers and merchants from the temple area. Coins rolled everywhere as He overturned the tables, and anxious animals rushed wildly for the exits. 

This show of authority and vexation was not just an unplanned emotional response to a frustrating situation, but a calculated action with an end in mind. Speaking to the offending parties, Jesus said, “It is written, . . .’My house will be called a house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7),’ but you are making it a den of robbers.”   Later, Jesus’ disciples remembered that the Old Testament Psalmist had prophesied, “Zeal for your house will consume me” (Psalm 69:9).

Jesus Stirs Up the Jewish Leaders

Not only did Jesus intentionally fulfill the Old Testament prophecy, but He purposefully stirred up the Jewish leaders’ anger in order to bring Himself closer to the cross. The Gospel of John records that these irate men demanded an explanation of His actions and proof of His authority to act as He did.

They saw what He had done in the temple and observed Him healing the lame and the blind. They listened as the children shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David” and these words of praise made them furious. Even the childish songs echoing through the temple area fulfilled the prophecy of Psalm 8:2, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.”

Jesus Controlled His Own Destiny

Each and every calculated movement and event throughout the next week brought Jesus closer to His destiny; the cross where He would die for the sins of the world. 

These thoughts never cease to amaze me! Jesus fulfilled Scripture and controlled His own destiny, and He could have easily stopped His horrible death. Instead He endured the cross knowing that His suffering and subsequent resurrection would make salvation possible to all who would put their faith in Him. 

Our Destiny is Secure

There is no other man or woman who has complete control over their lives. Life doesn’t work that way. But for those who trust in the Son of God their eternal destiny is secure. He is sovereign and controls all things to accomplish His intended purposes. That truth brings great hope and comfort in an ever-changing world.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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