Do You Have Prayer Neck?
Do You Have Prayer Neck?
Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving . . .”
Dear Kids,
Throughout the years people have developed different types of maladies. Take writer’s cramp for example. Thousands of years ago this was not a problem as our forerunners preserved history orally and the average person did not know how to write. Since then we have suffered from a plethora of discomforts like tennis elbow, trigger finger, and carpal tunnel syndrome, which have all developed as a result of new activities. Even recently I heard of an even newer problem: text neck is neck pain and damage stemming from looking down at modern devices for too long. This is the way of our world now and we are suffering for it.
As I considered this new type of struggle, a thought occurred to me – I wonder how many of us have over time developed prayer neck. We seem to have no problem cramping ourselves into a fixed position for hours on end to communicate with our friends and family, but how many have spent that much time bowing our heads in prayer?
The writer of Colossians, along with a number of other Bible writers, continually reminds us to devote ourselves to prayer. This discipline is the way we communicate with God. It is also the way to receive alerts to all that is going on around us. As we speak to God in prayer and read His words in the Bible, He reveals Himself to us and shows us how we should live. He encourages us and makes us aware of the errors of our ways. He is ready to respond at any moment of the day or night and is available for all we need. So why don’t we do this more?
Of course, there are other postures for praying than folding our hands and bowing our heads. Jesus, when He prayed in John 17, lifted His eyes towards heaven. The prophet Daniel knelt on his knees at an open window facing Jerusalem three times a day. Moses lifted up his hands toward heaven in prayer. Others fell face down on the ground, and still, others called out a few brief words for help in the midst of a trial. But these all regularly did what they needed to do – keep in contact with their God through prayer.
What about us? If you are like me, I can guarantee you might be a candidate for text neck with your device ready at all times to message or respond to your people at a moment’s notice. But have you ever been at risk for developing a prayer neck? Let us each work hard to be more diligent to exercise our spirits – as well as our bodies – in prayer as we seek to know God more fully and serve Him more completely.