A Victorious Ending and God’s Faithfulness

God's Faithfulness

A Victorious Ending and God’s Faithfulness

“There is none like the God of Jerusalem—He descends from the heavens in majestic splendor to help you.”

Deuteronomy 33:26

Dear Kids,

Readers have a huge advantage. They are able to live the experience of someone else and see God's faithfulness in a matter of a few short days, or even hours. The pages of a book record the important and exciting details of a person’s story but can’t possibly cover all the in-between time of waiting and trusting. In fact, if a reader gets too anxious he may even choose to flip to the last chapter to relieve any suspense. But when a player personally lives the experience this is not possible. He or she must trudge through every second wondering how their story will end.

God's Faithfulness and a Final Victory

We have now come to the end of Esther’s and Mordecai’s story. What must have seemed like a lifetime of waiting has now reached the climax, and we will see God's faithfulness.

Mordecai was saved from near disaster by the providential hand of God, but this turn of events only served to strengthen the wicked Haman’s resolve to execute his plan for murdering all of God’s people. I am sure there were many days and weeks of intense pressure as the Jews waited to discover their fate. But although never once mentioned in the book of Esther, God was initiating a plan for His people’s salvation from mass execution through the courage of Mordecai and Queen Esther.

Esther Explains Her Request

Haman seethed with anger and humiliation over the king’s command that he honor Mordecai before all the people of Susa. Yet he had little time to fume. On arriving home he found the king’s escort waiting to spirit him away to the queen’s second banquet.

At this second event the king again asked Esther, “What is your petition and request? Even to half of the kingdom it shall be done.” This time the queen replied, “If I have found favor in your sight, O king, let my life be given to me as my petition, and my people as my request.”  She went on to explain that an enemy planned to have her people, and perhaps even her, destroyed and annihilated.

Up to this point no one knew that Esther was of Jewish descent. So the king asked, “Who is the one who presumes to do this?” You could have heard a pin drop as everyone leaned in to hear Esther’s reply. “The foe and enemy is this wicked Haman!” she accused with pointed finger.

Haman's Defeat

The king, unable to contain his fury, hastily exited into the palace garden. Haman’s eyes bulged with terror as he digested this information, and dropped to his knees begging the queen for his life. At the very moment the king returned from the garden Haman had fallen onto the queen’s couch in a desperate attempt to attain pardon, but the scene infuriated the king even more. “Do you even dare to assault the queen in my absence!” he bellowed.

At this moment Haman’s heart sank as the verdict sunk in. He was now on death row. The hangman covered his face with a cloth as one of the eunuchs serving the king reported about the gallows Haman had built for Mordecai. “Hang him on it!” the king commanded. And Haman was led away to serve his sentence.

The enemy was defeated, but there was still a problem. In ancient Persia any royal law could not be repealed. The day set for the annihilation of the Jews still stood as planned. But again God provided a way of escape by willing the king to allow Mordecai and Esther to create another law in which His people had the authority to fight back. So on the day that should have been the end of the Jewish nation, God won the final victory. His people stood together and fought valiantly securing safety for their families and nation.

God's Faithfulness to All His People

What a suspenseful and encouraging story! God retains control and gains victory over His people’s enemies. It’s easy to see this when you are reading the story. But what about when you are living the story? The pages do not turn as quickly then. You can’t stay up until two in the morning so you can find out the resolution to the conflict. No, when you live the story you must endure all of the moments in between the highlights. But this does not change the outcome.

Our God is still God. He is still mighty. And you will find Him victorious at the conclusion of your book as well. So keep pressing on despite uncertainty! The ending to your story will also reveal God's faithfulness, and it will certainly be worth the read. You can count on it!




  1. Nathan B on August 22, 2021 at 8:58 PM

    Just tonight I was at a meeting where one of the gentlemen who spoke shared God’s providence as something along the lines of a football game:

    Imagine just before you turn on the game, someone whispers in your ear, “your team wins in the end”. You are then able to watch the game calmly with the knowledge that everything will turn out alright in the end. Even if the opposing team is up 28-0 at the half, you can still have peace knowing that your team will win.

    Similarly, God tells us that in the end, God will win. Noone can thwart his purposes! We can have peace through all the tribulation that the outcome is within his control and he will “work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose”.

    • Mama on August 23, 2021 at 7:28 AM

      What a great analogy! It’s such an encouragement when times are tough to know God wins! Thanks, Nathan!

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