God’s Forgiveness: The Best White-Out Ever!

God's Forgiveness

God’s Forgiveness: The Best White-Out Ever!

“I, even I, am He Who blots out your transgressions, for my sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

Isaiah 43:25

Dear Family & Friends,

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just eradicate things out of your life you don’t like? When you mess up – swoosh – it’s gone! Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, but God is the God of the impossible. He has made a way in Jesus to blot out our transgressions. God’s forgiveness is perfect.  When He says our sins are gone, they are GONE forever!

White Out – A Great Discovery

I love White Out! I discovered the handy little bottle when I was in high school. A friend of mine had the neatest notes I had ever seen. If she happened to jot something down incorrectly, out came the little bottle of opaque white fluid. She would brush over the misspelled word or ink mark, blow on the liquid until it dried, and then write the correct information over it.

In the more modern days, I have replaced White Out with Tombow correction tape. This stuff is awesome! You can remove anything on your paper you don’t like with a swipe of the tape, and you don’t even have to wait for it to dry. I keep one of these at my desk, at work, and in the drawer by my reading chair. It comes in so handy to remove anything I don’t like. If only there was something like this to eradicate the other mistakes I make daily.

God’s Forgiveness – the Perfect White-Out

Humans are born with a sinful nature. This problem began at the very beginning when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit and shared it with Adam, the door for evil opened. They got what Satan had enticed them with – the knowledge of good and evil – but it didn’t turn out the way they thought it would. From that time on all sorts of wickedness appeared as mankind did not have the ability to control themselves and they lost their intimate relationship with their Creator.

But God, understanding our plight, put in place a way to rescue us from our sinful natures. Seeing that we could not obey Him in and of ourselves, He set in motion a plan to give us a new nature. The prophet Ezekiel recorded the words of God, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” 

Isaiah and Jeremiah both record the truth that God planned to “blot out your transgressions . . . and remember your sins no more.”  God’s forgiveness is perfect! Isn’t that amazing good news?

Now, many years later, we have the gift of experiencing this incredible blessing in full! Because Jesus came to take the punishment for our sin and then rose again, we also can have a new life in Him. Those who believe in Jesus and confess their sins are washed clean in the blood. God blots out their transgressions and chooses to never remember their sins – past, present, or future – ever again.

Sinful actions – Gone! Sinful thoughts – Gone!  Sinful nature – Gone!

Isaiah says it another way, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.”

The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses us from ALL Sins.

White Out and Tombow’s correction tape; I really love that stuff! But there is an ever more powerful way to blot out our mess-ups. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sins! God’s forgiveness is perfect. When He cleans you up, your sins will be GONE –  and He will remember them no more!



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  1. Tia on July 20, 2024 at 9:24 AM

    Thank you, Sandy!

    • Sandy on July 20, 2024 at 1:10 PM


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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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