God’s Training Ground – The Beautiful Hidden Tree

God's Training Ground

God’s Training Ground – The Beautiful Hidden Tree

 “When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.”

Exodus 2:15

Dear Kids,
We have an absolutely beautiful tree on our property. We planted it a number of years ago and the little sapling blossomed into a gorgeous mature tree with a lovely shape and vibrant green leaves. There is only one problem with this lovely tree!  You can’t see it easily from the house. In fact, you can’t see the tree from almost anywhere on our property because it is firmly ensconced behind an old metal shed.

The only way to notice and admire this beauty is by taking a walk to the backside of the barn. There it stands proud and strong with branches waving towards the sky. This hidden tree reminded me of one of God’s methods for growing each of us in our relationship with Him and preparing us for the work He has for us..

God’s Training Ground

When a person comes to know the Lord as her Savior she develops a desire to be used by Him in meaningful ways. It is tempting to want to jump right into all sorts of activities we think will please Him and be beneficial to His Kingdom. But the truth is that often our efforts are just that – our efforts.

Over time God must show us that any work done for Him must be done in His power alone. To teach us this important lesson our wise heavenly Father sometimes plants us in a lonely place, a place hidden away from all the action. We may feel displaced or forgotten, but when we submit to His will it is in this very place we begin to grow and become equipped for the work He has planned for us to do.

Moses Trained for God’s Service

Moses had to experience God’s training ground. He was born in Egypt to Israelite parents at a very crucial and dangerous time in history. The Pharaoh feared the Israelites and to protect himself and his country he commanded that all baby boys born to an Israelite mother should be killed. Moses’ parents hid him for three months because they were not afraid of the king’s edict. When they could hide him no longer Jochebed, Moses’ mother, crafted a floating basket and hid her son in the bulrushes of the Nile. Soon Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby and decided to keep him for her own.

Moses grew up in the palace of Egypt. But when he was an adult he decided to cast his lot with his nation of origin although they endured great persecution under the hand of the Pharaoh. In compassion and conviction Moses tried, using his own strength and wisdom, to intervene on their behalf.  But in doing so he murdered a slave driver and had to flee for his life.

Moses, the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, a man highly educated in the powerful country of Egypt, suddenly found himself planted in the desert of Midian where he stayed for forty years. He was all alone, hidden behind the barn so to speak. But God didn’t give up on him. He used this time of separation to prepare and train Moses for the huge undertaking that would only be accomplished in God’s power – leading the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt and out of slavery.

Submit to God’s Training and Flourish

Sometimes we can also feel like we are hidden away behind the barn. There is so much we want to do or give for God’s work and glory, but we find ourselves alone in God’s training ground. Sickness, unexpected circumstances, or heavy responsibilities tie us down. It seems that all of our talents are wasted and no one even knows we are there. But God knows. This could be the time when He is preparing you for your life calling.

So if you find yourself planted in the soil behind an old metal shed, don’t be discouraged. Dig your roots down deep into God’s word. Reach up your arms in fervent prayer. And wait patiently for God to reveal all He wants to teach you. In God’s training ground you can mature and prepare to serve Him in a powerful way. And when the time is right everyone who sees your good works will recognize God’s hand on your life and glorify your Father in heaven.



For more on the story of Moses read Exodus 2

More about Moses:

Stop and Smell the Lilacs: Hearing God in the Silence

Seeking the Lord: An All Out Heart and Soul Effort



  1. Tori on June 11, 2022 at 6:09 AM

    What a beautiful reminder of God’s perfect sovereignty. He knows His full plan for us, and every circumstance is designed to draw us to that point while learning and growing to be more like Him. This was such a timely reminder! Thank you! ❤️

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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