How Low Will You Go?


How Low Will You Go?

Galatians 5:26 – “Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.”
The well-known teacher and pastor, Erwin Lutzer, once said, “The deeper we go with God, the lower we are able to go with service.”
Thanks for giving Abigail the front seat, John-Keith!

Everyone wants to be somebody special. We want to be noticed, appreciated, and lauded for our abilities and insights. We want our lives to make a difference to those around us and leave a legacy that will live long after we are gone from this earth. Often we will go to great lengths striving to attain this prominent place in the world.

Unfortunately, this is often true even in our church circles. Our motives may stem from godly desires as we work diligently to promote our ministry and bring others within the circle of God’s grace. But might there be a seed of selfishness hidden in the soil of God’s harvest fields? Could it be that somewhere deep down we desire to leave a personal legacy that will keep our name alive even after we have gone home to be with the Lord?
It is not the norm to step away from an opportunity so that someone more gifted can take the lead. Yet so often we forget that as ministers of God’s salvation message we should be working together in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not about us and our legacy. It is all about God and His glory.
It is possible to become boastful (in a humble way, of course) about all that God is doing through us. It is tempting to challenge each other to see who can bear more fruit. And it is crippling to the work of the gospel when we envy each other and try to come out on top.
Barnabas, one of the early followers of Christ, had a deep relationship with the Savior. Acts 11:24 calls him a “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” This deep well of connection with the Lord gave him the ability to encourage other believers regularly in their service to God.  On more than one occasion he went out on a limb to promote the talent or expertise of someone other than himself so the gospel message would have a farther reach.
When Paul was first converted, the other disciples did not believe he was truly changed. But Barnabas stood up for him and gave credence to his conversion. Later, after Barnabas had been called to Antioch to help with the church there, he saw the great need of a strong leader and went to Tarsus to find the Apostle Paul. He recognized Paul’s leadership qualities and was willing to take the back seat to the one whom God had specifically gifted and called for this service.
The gospel message spread like wildfire and many, even to this day, have come to know Christ through the roles that Paul and Barnabas filled. While Paul’s travels and influence are more prominent in the biblical narrative of Acts, that doesn’t mean he was more important. It is just the part of the story that God chose to tell us.
So how low are you willing to go in service to the Lord? Would you be willing to take the back seat to another brother or sister in one area or another? Your ability to do this depends on how deep you  go with God. The deeper you go with Him, the more your personal desires will fade away and you will be willing for someone else to take the front seat.




  1. kelly balarie on April 8, 2015 at 10:12 AM

    Love this! "The deeper we go with God, the lower we are able to go with service." Yes! We want praise, but Jesus says to lay that down and follow him. He may not take us to the high places, but he will take us to where our deepest desires are met. I want that. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup today!

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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