Back Ups Are Crucial


Back Ups Are Crucial

Dear Kids,

Psalm 119:11. “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
CRASH! BOOM! The threatening sky hurled a jagged spear of bright light through the darkened clouds. The driving rain crashed against the picture window as if it were desperate to get in out of the storm. Then . . . darkness!
The electricity on which we rely so heavily went off and all activity in our office ceased. The panic feeling that always accompanies these losses of power only lasted for a second before the lights came back and all the clicking and beeping of the computer, scanner, printer, and related equipment began to display life again.
My sigh of relief was short lived.  I pulled up my latest project and tried to resume my work, but there was a problem – my spreadsheet wasn’t there. As I fumbled with the computer keys and restarted the PC again, I rummaged through the files in my brain. When was the last time I backed up my work? Was it last week? A month ago? The pressure in my chest increased as I tried to calculate the time it would take to reconstruct all the information I might lose since my most recent backup.
Fortunately for me, Uncle Matt came running when he heard my cry of despair. (Well, actually he didn’t run but that sounds more dramatic.) After resetting our main computer and getting the network to connect again my spreadsheet was restored and I hadn’t lost a thing.
It got me thinking about backups. God tells us we should “file” His Word away in our heart. It is very important that we take the time to memorize what He has to say. There will be times when great storms will seem to rip your life apart. Other times temptations will sneak up on you without warning. You may not have time to find a Bible and search for God’s answers.
During times of great difficulty or testing, it may even be hard to think straight and the screen of your mind may be blank. But if you have hidden God’s Word in your heart, the Holy Spirit will make sure the “backup” comes through. He will remind you of the things you have carefully stored away and when you obey what He says it will keep you from sinning.
My mind returned to the work at hand but not before I silently vowed to make a regular habit of backing up my work because backups are crucial!



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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