An Accurate Appraisal


An Accurate Appraisal

John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep my word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.”
What is my property worth? This is a question that we hear regularly at our office. People call with a desire to have a market analysis of their real estate done to find out what it is worth. Every time someone asks the question, their hope is that their property is worth as much as possible.
Each of us has a similar question when it comes to our personal significance. We want to know what our life is worth. This search for meaning and purpose can haunt every decision we make and everything we do. Am I worth anything? What am I contributing? Does anybody love me?
There are many vying to answer our question about self worth. Some respond to our query by treating us no better than a dog. Their disregard wounds our heart and lowers self esteem. Others flatter and build us up only to use us as a stepping stone for their own advancement. Meanwhile we continue our search for the answer we long to hear. Still others use the wrong data or tools to answer our question and leave us confused.
Accurate real estate appraisals are procured from professional appraisers who know the market well. They are able to provide an opinion of value from market data and experience. Though the untrained observer may give opinions based on emotions or the cost of past upgrades, the more accurate opinion is based on other similar properties that have sold recently in same geographic area.
Just as it is important to have your real estate valued by someone with actual
knowledge and experience, so you must go to the right place for the answer to your personal question of self worth. Our Creator is the only one who can give an accurate appraisal of who we are and what we are worth.
Jesus told his disciples that those who love Him and keep His word will be loved by the Heavenly Father.  When we belong to God not only will He love us, but He will come and live within us. Jesus spoke these amazing words on the eve of His arrest and impending death – the death that would procure the way for us to become a human dwelling place for God Himself.
So who will answer your question? Will you take it to a world of others searching for their own answers? Or will you take it to your Creator, the One who loves you enough to die for you? Jesus is the only One who can answer your questions of worth accurately.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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