God’s Perfect Timing

pocket watch, time of, sand

God’s Perfect Timing

Micah 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”

Dear Kids,

There’s a whole lot of “ticking” going on. Alone in our office I stepped out into the Event Center where our Clock & Watch Auction was set up. As I stood perusing the many timepieces that sat on the long tables, I noticed the ticking. It wasn’t very loud, but as I cocked my ear I could distinguish the soft pulse of hundreds of clocks beating out every second. “There certainly won’t be any excuse for the auction attenders to be late to their next appointments,” I chuckled. “Their timing should be perfect.”

Even if we all had hundreds of clocks reminding us of our commitments, there are times when humans are either early or late. It may be that heavy traffic slows us down or an unexpected phone call delays our departure. Other times we may underestimate the time it will take to arrive somewhere and end up sitting around waiting. It’s a good practice to be on time, but that doesn’t always happen.

Fortunately, for God’s children, we never have to worry about our Father being late or early. He is always right on time. There is never a circumstance that He has not foreseen. Each small detail is part of His plan to bring His will to pass at the appointed time.

This is so clear in the Christmas story. I find it fascinating the Old Testament prophets foretold details of the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Micah 5:2 reveals that this newborn king would be born in the town of Bethlehem.

When you read the account of Christ’s birth in the book of Luke you see how all the pieces fell into place. At a certain time Caesar Augustus decided that he should take a census of all the Roman world. All of the citizens had to return to the city of their ancestors where they were required to register. Mary and Joseph took the journey to Bethlehem, and while they were there the baby Jesus was born.

Think about the impeccable timing that was needed for everything to work out right. Mary had to get pregnant at just the right time. Augustus Caesar had to issue the decree at the appropriate time to bring them to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph’s trip had to be timed perfectly. They couldn’t get stopped by a traffic jam or they might have had the baby on the way.

God had planned the birth of His Son before the world even began, and He made sure that every detail fell into place. He accounted for every tick of the clock and not one event occurred too early or too late.

What a comfort it is to know that this same God has all the events of our lives ordered out carefully. When we are concerned about a problem we are experiencing, we never have to worry that God will show up late. So if you are desperately waiting on an answer to prayer, consider the Christmas story. Even if there is a whole lot of “ticking” going on there is no need to worry. God is in time, on time, every time.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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