Meditation on God’s Word – A Key to Correct Thinking

Meditation on God's word

Meditation on God’s Word – A Key to Correct Thinking

“I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.”

Psalm 119:15

Dear Kids,

There is a lot of truth to the idea that how you think makes or breaks you. So much of how we feel about others, the world, and ourselves comes from thoughts in our mind. Many of these are subconscious, brought about from past experiences. But other thoughts can be managed and brought under control. This happens when we intentionally and consistently focus our attention on what is right and true. Meditation on God's word serves the useful purpose of helping us to change our thoughts and thus our understanding of the things around us.

Meditation Can Take Different Forms

The word meditation brings to mind different things for different people. The image of an enthusiastic yoga expert engaging in fantastic contortions of the body while chanting monotone syllables may be your first impression. Maybe the vision of a solitary individual sitting quietly and mindlessly staring off into space comes to mind. But meditation can take on a lot of different forms. It is essentially continued or extended thought where someone contemplates an idea that can take root in the mind and heart and change our outlook on life.

The writer of Psalm 119, the longest chapter of the Bible, devotes 176 verses to extolling the law of the LORD. He speaks about God’s righteous judgments and life giving precepts. They guide, correct, protect, and delight the author more than any other thing on earth. He longs to fill his mind with all the wonderful things written in its pages. He does this through meditation on God's word.

Meditation on God's Word Changes Our Perspective

We choose what we will fill our minds with and our choices affect how we live our lives. I have personally found that when I am consumed with problems and challenges my heart feels heavy. It affects how I sleep, what I eat, my relationships, and how I feel in general. I can go days filled with anxiety because my mind has been focusing on the external things I can’t control. But my perspective changes when I determine to meditate on the truths of God’s word. I see our big God in a different light and suddenly my challenges diminish in size.

There are many different ways of meditating on Scripture. Sometimes I write out a particular verse on a card to carry with me throughout the day. Other times I journal using the Bible as a guide for my thoughts. Sitting quietly in a peaceful setting often opens my mind to think on spiritual truths. Recently, I was reminded that even drawing pictures of what we read or tapping into another creative outlet could help focus the mind on what is true. The key is to just do it!

Make Meditation a Daily Habit

So if you want to change how you think about others, the world, and yourself, then make sure to meditate regularly on the right things. And what better thing is there than God’s Word? The Psalmist made meditation a regular habit; we would be well served to do this too. After all, how you think and what you contemplate can make or break you.




  1. Bart K. Sheridan on August 2, 2021 at 8:43 AM

    Thanks for a focus on this lost discipline. We would all do well to spend more time in meditation and less on plowing forward with little thought about where we are going.

    • Sandy on August 5, 2021 at 10:02 AM

      In our world we often don’t take the time to sit and think. We would be so much better off if we did!

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