How To Find Courage When You Are Afraid

Courage When You are Afraid

How To Find Courage When You Are Afraid

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise . . .”

Psalm 56:3-4a

Dear Kids,

Fear can stab its way into the heart of each of us. I don’t care how brave you are; this emotion will eventually find its mark one way or another. Some fear another person. Others fear a particular circumstance. Still others shudder at the thought of the unknown. In each of these cases God calls the fearful one to trust Him. And when we do we find incredible peace and courage. 

David, the Psalmist, Experienced Fear

The Psalmist had every reason to be afraid. David often found himself in terrifying circumstances where his life was on the line. On one occasion he fled from his enemies to the city of Gath where he hoped to find safety. Unfortunately the citizens of Gath recognized David. “Is this not the man who killed Goliath, our biggest and fiercest warrior?” they questioned. 

David heard the chatter and his heart quaked with fear!

In panic this mighty man feigned insanity. He clawed at the doors and gates of the city, letting saliva run down his beard until the king, in disgust, finally dismissed him from the city. 

Courage When You Are Afraid

From this terrifying experience David penned the words of Psalm 56. He used a form of poetry to remind himself and others how to find courage in the midst of fear with these prayer-like words: “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You; in God, whose word I praise. In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?”

David realized that fear dissipates in the presence of the One Who is greater than every enemy. The Almighty God has power over all circumstances and nothing can surprise or overcome Him. David also found comfort in the reliability of God’s word. What the Lord promises He will do, and nothing can or will keep Him from following through.

Focusing on God Brings Courage

Taking our mind off our concerns and focusing on God and His word strengthens our faith and releases our paralyzed hearts from the death grip of fear.

There will come a day when even the bravest of us will stand face to face with a terrifying dread. This could be a crippling disease, a broken relationship, a personal failure, a devastating loss, or even a flesh and blood enemy. But when that day comes, turn your eyes upward and echo the words of David, the Psalmist. “When I am afraid I will trust in You, in God whose word I praise.”

Peace and Courage When You Are Afraid

The impeccable character, power, and faithfulness of God are steadfast anchors on which to moor our faith. He wants us to trust Him, and His presence will surely provide you with peace and courage when you are afraid.




  1. Jace R Broadhurst on August 20, 2021 at 12:54 PM

    yeah, wish I could have figured out how to do this before I wrecked everything. But at least I can say, I am not afraid anymore. Of course, now I have nothing so it doesnt much matter. But one day I will be able to prove it again. Thanks again for these.

  2. Angela on August 26, 2021 at 10:32 AM


  3. Angela on August 26, 2021 at 10:33 AM

    Love this!

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