Prayer and Reflection on a Delightful Evening Stroll

Prayer and Reflection

Prayer and Reflection on a Delightful Evening Stroll

“Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.”

Psalm 119:35

Dear Kids,

I love this time of year so much! One of my favorite activities is taking an evening walk around our fields. As the sun disappears behind the tree line I look back on my day and unwind. It is a time for prayer and reflection; a good opportunity to evaluate my emotions, and reorder my priorities.

I wonder if the Psalmist who penned the words, “Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it,” enjoyed quiet evening walks. He deeply desired to know God’s ways so he could observe them and keep them with all his heart.

A Psalm 119 Prayer

But like all of us he also realized his need for God’s help in doing this. In the poetic and prayerful words of Psalm 119 the writer asks God to incline his heart to His testimonies, to turn away his eyes from vanity, and to establish His word within his servant heart.

We too should daily pray for God to grow our love of His word, so we will know Him more. We must ask for a spiritual focus to see past the temporal, and often disappointing, pleasures of this world.  Also, praying for a clear understanding of His law can help us obey His commands. Daily prayer and reflection is the way to experience personal revival.

A New Tradition of Evening Prayer and Reflection

As the sun sinks down beyond the horizon this evening, why not start a new tradition. Spend a little time in prayer and reflection. Walking in the path of God’s commandments is just as delightful as an evening stroll.




  1. Nathan B on September 4, 2021 at 9:00 AM

    Just as the busyness (or exhaustion) of this life often keeps me from my evening walks, it also often keeps me and my wife from our daily walk with Christ.
    While it may be easy to “find the time” to take my walk with Christ (cut out a TV show episode or forego any other small time waster), it can be extremely difficult to TAKE the time to walk with Christ (actually sitting down and spending time with him). My wife and I both need prayer for perseverance in God’s word. We need wisdom to see through the busyness in this world and focus on our walk with the One who gave up everything to redeem us for his glory!

    • Mama on September 4, 2021 at 9:28 AM

      I know what you mean! Often I have good intentions but life gets in the way. Yet our daily time walking with the Lord is what helps us successfully navigate the busyness. I will pray that God expands the time for you and your sweet wife so you can know Him more. 💕

  2. Rhonda on September 6, 2021 at 6:55 PM

    Reminds me of the hymn In The Garden

    • Sandy on September 6, 2021 at 10:02 PM

      I love that hymn! It was my great grandmother’s favorite too. 💕

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