Being Salt and Light in a Sinful World

Being Salt and Light

Being Salt and Light in a Sinful World

“You are the salt of the earth . . .” “You are the light of the world . . .”

Matthew 5:13a & 14a

Dear Family & Friends,

It is likely that most kitchens, like mine, have a closet or rack devoted to all sorts of spices used to add flavor to food. In fact, my alphabetically ordered Lazy Susan has so many varying sized bottles that it is often hard to find the specific one I want for a certain recipe. But when it comes right down to it, one of the most important seasonings I have is a basic chemical compound called salt. Food would be bland without it. Jesus used this simple but important ingredient along with the natural commodity of light to describe what the lives of His followers should be like in the world.

Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount

Crowds had gathered on a Galilean hillside to hear Jesus, the great teacher, speak of things they had never heard before. His disciples drank in His description of character qualities, known as the Beatitudes, meant to set apart those who belonged to His Kingdom. Jesus continued His famous Sermon on the Mount by describing how the changed lives of His disciples should affect the world.

You are the Salt of the Earth

“You are the salt of the earth,” the Voice echoed out to His listeners by way of a natural amphitheater effect created by the setting. Using very common and basic examples, Jesus spoke important lessons to those listening so they could understand. True disciples, empowered by Holy Spirit power, should make a difference in the lives of those around them.

Like salt, a believer’s presence should add a godly and pleasant flavor to a sinful world. The character qualities befitting a disciple of Jesus should not only stand out, but they should also have a purifying effect on a world steeped in sin. They should have different attitudes and desires, goals and purposes. These should stand out and bring attention to God and His ways.

Jesus warned that if salt has lost its flavor then it is good for nothing. A disciple who does not influence the world for good or ruins his testimony through sin does nothing to advance and actually hinders the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.

You are the Light of the World

Jesus also likened His disciples to light. “You are the light of the world,” He stated. Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” 

Not only should believers add a godly and pleasant flavor to the world, but they should also illuminate the way for others to recognize God and give Him praise. The salt, attitudes and behaviors, paired with light, actions and personal testimony, must characterize individual disciples as well as believers united together collectively. This powerful testimony should not be hidden. It should stand out for all to see and in so doing produce results for eternity.

Are you salt and light to a sinful world?

Salt and light; these are basic everyday commodities that make a difference in the way we live our lives. We use them frequently and would be lost without them. Jesus says that His disciples must conduct their lives in such a way that they make a difference in the world. How are you doing? Are you being salt and light?



Salt Shakers for God’s Kingdom

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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