Feeding Five Thousand – Will We Believe Jesus or Not?
Feeding Five Thousand – Will We Believe Jesus or Not?
“Jesus replied, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat . . . Bring them here to Me, He said.’”
Dear Family & Friends,
It’s one thing to say we understand and believe something but another to put the belief into action. When difficulties arise this is where the rubber meets the road. Jesus is capable of feeding five thousand people and more. Will we believe Him or not?
A Test of Faith
Jesus spent many hours speaking to the crowds about God’s Kingdom and how its citizens should live. The crowds sat spellbound at His authoritative teaching. They followed Him everywhere and His disciples gave up their own daily routines in order to follow His footsteps, learn His ways, and emulate Him. But, as it is for us, sometimes the teachings we say we believe need to be tested.
A Great Need
It had been a busy and emotional week. John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, had been brutally put to death by the tetrarch, Herod, at the request of his wife’s seductive daughter. Jesus and His disciples slipped away by boat to a solitary place when they heard what had happened. But without consideration for the Master’s privacy needs, the desperate crowds set out on foot with their ailing friends and family members to find Him.
Jesus, despite the desire for solitude, took compassion on the desperate crowds and spent the day healing their sick. As the sun began to set, the disciples realized that the crowds needed dinner. Since they were in an out-of-the way place, they felt it was imperative to close up shop for the day and send the people into the villages to buy some supper.
This would seem to be the natural thing to do in a situation like this, but had they not recently heard Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount? Had He not just taught them to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread?”
The Disciples Response to a Need
Rather than ask, seek, and knock regarding this important need of sustenance, the disciples instead took it upon themselves to tell Jesus what to do. “Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food,” they urgently pressed.
Jesus, knowing what was needed even before He was asked, responded (I think with a twinkle in His eye), “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” What a test of the disciples’ perceived faith!
Still misunderstanding, the disciples began explaining that the only food available was five loaves of bread and two fishes. Jesus gently directed them, “Bring them here to Me.”
Feeding Five Thousand
By the end of the evening the disciples learned an important lesson. They could take Jesus at His word! He even had the power to feed five thousand people plus! Taking the mere pittance of food they had available, Jesus multiplied it to feed the 5,000 men plus women and children with twelve baskets of leftovers to spare.
Our Response to Difficult Situations
This incredible provision causes me to contemplate my own faith. I say I believe what Jesus says, but sometimes I jump in and try to find my own answers when a difficulty arises instead of immediately taking the need to Jesus. I may even pray about big things, but the small everyday crises get passed over as I stress and worry about how to get them resolved.
I am sure I am not alone in this. Sometimes the Lord lets us stew over our worried thoughts until we finally hear His voice saying, “Bring them here to Me!” And when we do, we can never guess what will happen. After all, if Jesus can feed a crowd of over 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes, then He can take care of our concerns too.
Put Faith Into Action
I believe it’s time to stop searching for our own answers to life’s problems and put our faith into action. Whether our concerns are personal or related to the needs of others, Jesus can handle them – even if it means feeding five thousand. Will we believe Him or not?
So true, no use taking our requests to Him, then keep on worrying… John 9:17 – “but what are they for so many?” , although Andrew did have the initiative to take the boy to Jesus.
Jesus can do beyond what we ask, think, or even dream. So, I want to learn to trust Him more and get rid of all my wasted worry!