God With Us: The Key to Contentment in the Christmas Season
God With Us: The Key to Contentment in the Christmas Season
“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,’ so that we confidently say, ‘The LORD is my helper, I will not be afraid, what will man do to me?’”
Dear Friends,
Contentment is a godly character trait, but this trait is scarce in our culture, especially at Christmas time. While it may be called “the season of giving,” it is more often thought of subconsciously as “the season of getting.” But the writer of Hebrews reminds us that God’s people should be free from the love of money (and, I might add, all the things money can buy). When we consider the advent of Immanuel, God With Us, this truth should result in a peaceful state of contentment at Christmas and all year long.
Christmas Often Creates Discontent
Nonetheless, I find that the Christmas season often produces an added level of stress and discontent for me. While my favorite thing to do in the cold months of winter is to sit by the toasty blaze of my fireplace and read a good book, even in these moments of peace the hustle and bustle of the season can creep in. I often find my mind wandering as I frantically mull over all the gifts I need to buy.
When my kids were young, their grandparents would ask me for a list of toys or ideas that would make them happy on Christmas day. Now I find I am the one wondering how to bring that joyful expression to my own eleven grandchildren. What toy could bring joy without simply adding to the abundance they already have?
Modern culture often tempts us toward discontent with constant advertising and the allure of sales, drawing our focus away from the true meaning of Christmas. We make our lists of “have to have” items and search for the best prices. Some of us overuse our credit cards hoping to please our loved ones expecting the same for ourselves. Some even purchase their own gifts just to make sure they get what they really want.
God’s Continual Presence is the Antidote for Greed
Intuitively, I know this is not the way God meant this holiday to play out. So one recent morning, as the fire blazed, I sat thinking about today’s verses. It occurred to me that Christmas should be the perfect time to find contentment. The whole season is meant to remind us of the coming of God’s Son to the world, and this awareness of His continual presence is the perfect antidote for greed.
God the Father knew the human race had disobeyed His commands and could have abandoned us to our sin. But He chose to help us instead of forsaking us. To accomplish this, God sent His Son from the glories of heaven, to join us in our misery here on earth.
Jesus’ birth took place in a humble Bethlehem stable, and He spent His years on earth wandering from place to place without a home to call His own. His ministry and teaching, so hated by the world, led Him to a criminal’s death on a Roman cross. But His glorious resurrection three days later procured things money could never purchase: reconciliation with the Father and His ever-abiding presence within us.
Immanuel: God With Us
Matthew, quoting from the prophet Isaiah, records, “The virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name, Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”
When we finally digest this incredible, beautiful truth, all the trappings of a commercialized holiday fade in comparison. The love of money and the things money can buy lose their luster in the bright light of God’s presence and His unfailing promise to never desert or forsake us. What else do we need or want if the LORD is our helper?
While I don’t plan on nixing the whole gift-giving and gift-receiving tradition we all like to observe at this time of year, the writer of Hebrews helped me put the custom into perspective. The greatest gift we could ever receive is available all year round: God’s never-ending presence.
The Foundation for Our Contentment
This Christmas, let’s celebrate the ultimate gift—God’s presence made possible in Jesus—as the foundation of our contentment.