The Unfinished Gravestone

Jesus is the resurrection and the life

The Unfinished Gravestone

John 11:25 “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?’”

Dear Kids,

Death is a difficult experience. It causes terrible grief for all involved. Death means separation from loved ones and a new way of living for those who are left behind. But what if there is a different way of looking at this naturally sad event to which we are all destined? What if death is not the end?

Different stages of life preclude certain types of events. Young children spend much time enjoying birthday parties for siblings and friends. High school students attend numerous graduation parties. Young adults repeatedly dance at weddings. And newly married couples frequently shower expectant mothers with necessities and gifts for her newborn baby. But when you get older the type of event you regularly must attend changes. Sadly, funerals of people you love and respect jump in frequency. This is natural because as we age our bodies break down so that in time we all face the end of our days on earth.

An Unfinished Gravestone Because of the Resurrection and the Life

I began thinking about these things a few weeks ago when Dad and I attended a number of funerals all in one week. Each day we put business aside to mourn with hurting family members. But at one graveside service I had an interesting thought. As we slowly paraded our cars around the winding drive of the cemetery, I perused the many gravestones we passed.

One in particular caught my eye. There were two people recorded on the stone. Obviously, the husband had passed away first and the wife some time later. But looking at the dates I realized that surviving family members had failed to have the death year of the wife engraved onto the stone. Years had gone by with no record of her final time of departure.

At first, I felt sorry for this forgotten woman. “Poor, Emma,” I thought, “no one remembered to finish her story.” But then I had another thought. Those who believe in Jesus never really die. Yes, their flesh becomes old, wears out, and must be put in the ground, but this person’s soul stays very much alive. In 2 Corinthians 5:8 Paul says he would prefer to be absent from the body and at home with the Lord.

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

If Emma believed in Jesus as the resurrection and the life, then right now she lives and will never die. Maybe, although unintentional, Emma’s gravestone tells an even better story than the one we usually think of when it comes to death. Her body is in the ground, but her soul lives on.

No matter what stage of life you are now in, at some point you will encounter death. And the older we get the more prevalent it will be. But God’s child doesn’t need to grieve in the same way others do. For those who believe in Jesus and put their faith in Him will never really die. The date on the gravestone will record when the body gave out, but it will not record the end of the person. What a beautiful hope!

Encouragement for the Believer

So, dear grieving one, lift up your head and look forward in faith. There is life in Jesus. And if someday your family members forget to fill in the year beyond the dash on the stone, it won’t be a travesty. This oversight will only stand as a reminder that you, a believer in Christ, are not really there. Because Jesus is the resurrection and the life you will never die but live forever!




  1. Bart Sheridan on April 22, 2021 at 4:31 PM

    Thanks for a very good reminder of what is true about the life of a Christ-follower.

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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