Inward Beauty


Inward Beauty

1 Peter 3:3-4. Your adornment must not be merely external – braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.
In our world of positive image awareness it is easy to become obsessed with our appearance. Everywhere we look there are examples of what our world holds up as attractive and successful. Just shopping at the grocery store bombards the mind with the possibilities and expectations for outward beauty. You must be thin enough, have the right hair color & style, apply your makeup correctly, & wear tight-fitting and stylish clothes that will attract attention. All of these mental gymnastics create a feeling of failure or striving in many women. Men experience this same pressure, only in a different way. Rarely, if ever, do you read a magazine article or see a commercial suggesting the need for inner beauty – it is always external.
When I was in high school I remember sitting in an English class every day and gazing on a classmate who sat near me. In my youthful opinion she was absolutely beautiful. I admired her long blonde hair, suntanned skin and flawless face. I couldn’t believe someone could always be so completely together. But over the months in the class I began to observe other things about this girl. She seemed to be obsessed with looking at herself in a compact mirror, constantly checking her hair and makeup. I also noticed that she didn’t always respond in a kind or respectful manner to those around her.
I had another friend during those years who, in the world’s opinion, was not blessed with natural allurement. As my friendship with her developed I discovered a sweet spirit that radiated from within. She was always smiling and cheerful, willing to help and kindhearted to those around her. I was amazed one day to realize that, as time went on, I began to see her as even more attractive than the sun-tanned diva sitting in English class. I concluded through that experience that the most beautiful part of us is who we are inside. That hidden charm emanates from within and brightens the world in ways we may never know.
I do not believe today’s Bible verse is suggesting that we should never wear makeup or braid our hair, but that should not be our main avenue to beauty. We should give most of our time and energy to developing the hidden person of the heart. Time will take its toll on our physical bodies and over the years outward beauty will fade away, but a gentle, quiet spirit is imperishable and precious in the sight of God.
Don’t get drawn into the world’s unrealistic and flawed ideas of beauty. It is all a sham! Whether you are a guy or a gal, when you desire to adorn yourself with polish and charm, put on a gleaming smile and offer a kind word to someone around you. Remember, the best part of you is the hidden person of the heart.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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