My Tulip Friends


My Tulip Friends

Dear Kids,

Proverbs 15:1. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.


The day was warm and inviting. While walking into my office I discovered that the yellow tulips planted by the front door had opened their petals wide to drink in the refreshing sunshine. I was able to see deep down into the heart of the beautiful flowers to the black parts that made such a striking contrast to the vibrant yellow. I smiled, greeted them back, and entered the door to begin another busy day of work.
The next day I arrived expecting to be welcomed again by my cheerful yellow friends only to be disappointed because they had their heads bowed and their petals closed up tightly to the world around them. You see, that day it was stormy and the sun had hidden its face behind dark rain clouds. Threatened by the impending weather the blossoms did not feel safe and shut themselves up from everyone and everything.
I couldn’t help but think how people are just like that. We respond to the environment we are in and the way we are treated. When we feel safe we will open up and let our true beauty shine, but if we feel at all threatened by sharp words or dirty looks we close down and do not let anyone in.
Dad and I experienced this when we first got married. For the first four years of our marriage we lived below a lonely and disgruntled woman who never seemed to have anything pleasant to say. We didn’t see her much, but heard her often. Any time our music was too loud, our laughter rang out, or baby Luke cried too much, a storm cloud would let loose with thundering shouts and lightning.  It made us want to close up shop and move to a different location.
We decided to respond in a manner different than our natural tendencies would direct. We did not yell back but began to pray for her and look for opportunities to respond with gentle words and actions. Before leaving for the store, I would get my nerve up to yell upstairs and ask if there was anything she needed. On the rare occasion when meeting in the hallway we would greet her warmly without expecting any similar response.
This went on for some time until one Sunday morning in April. We opened the door to go to church and found a bag hanging on the door handle. Upon opening it we discovered numerous baked goods and a card that wished us a happy Easter. Where did it come from? You guessed it. The storm broke, sunshine prevailed, and a gentle answer turned away wrath. I often wonder what happened to Jill, but I will never forget the lesson she taught us. People respond like flowers to a rain storm. A harsh word stirs up anger while a soft one turns away wrath.
Hopefully the sun will be out tomorrow because I can’t wait to see the smiling faces of my friends, the tulips. May our kind words bring out the best in those around us.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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