Swine or Lambs?


Swine or Lambs?

Dear Kids,

II Corinthians 5:17. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.

What happens when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with our whole heart, soul, and mind, accepting His gift of salvation? There is a radical change that takes place. Anyone who is in Christ becomes a new creature. The old nature and way of living pass away and are replaced with a different and much better one – one that replicates the heart and mind of Christ.

When we enter this world through birth it is with a sin nature; that is a native or inherent character to follow the world and its sinful ways. These particular combinations of qualities belong to each human from the beginning of his existence. There is no one exempt.

If you recall our 4-H experiences with pigs you will understand that it is a pig’s nature to roll in the mud. More than once our pigs got out and, after running wildly around the yard, ended up at the lowest spot, rolling around and making a mess in the slimy, mucky mud. What a disaster! So many times a day we needed to take them to the wash rack because they were always so dirty and smelly. No matter how much product we used to make them look pretty they always returned to the muck. This is because it is in the pig’s nature to roll in the mud.
On the other hand, Emily’s sheep, Roxy, was a much cleaner animal. If she got out
of the barn, instead of looking for the soft wet earth, she most likely would
run back to the gate and wait. Before the week of the fair we would wash her
once and only spot clean the rest of the week. Why? Because sheep do not like
to wallow in the mud.What is the difference? They have a different nature. The only way to truly clean up the pig would be to give him Roxy’s sheep temperament. Then he would be changed from the inside out and would no longer want to rush into the sludge.

That is the way it is with us. Our nature is to run to sin and wallow in it. We are powerless to change until we accept God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. God then makes us a new creature, the old things pass away and new things come. He gives us the new nature of Christ living in our heart. Once we are clean from sin we no longer need to go back to the wash rack every day like the pigs. When we sin we will only need to spot clean like Roxy by asking forgiveness.

Swine or lambs? Hmmm? I got to go with the lambs!



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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