Little Foxes in the Culvert


Little Foxes in the Culvert

Song of Songs 2:15 “Catch for us the little foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.”
Guess what I saw the other day.
I was headed down our road when some baby foxes darted across the neighbor’s yard. I jammed on the brakes and watched as they dove into the culvert at the side of the road. Fascinated, I stopped the car by the duct, rolled down the window and waited patiently, camera in hand. Sure enough, after a short interval, I saw upright triangle ears and a pointed nose peep up to see if the coast was clear. I quickly snapped my photo.
How cute these little guys were – so playful and energetic. I almost wish I could have caught one and brought it home for a pet. The only problem is that these cute little critters are foxes. They are known for their stealth and cunning. They do not always travel in packs like other similar species but often prefer to live in small family groups. Some are even known to stay alone.
They hunt their prey with stealth, waiting for the right moment to emerge from their camaflouge and pounce on an unsuspecting victim. They will then grasp the victim with their sharp teeth, shaking it until it dies or is too weak to fight back.
When Aunt Catherine and Uncle Jesse were living in Scotland, they heard of foxes’ sneaking into houses through an open door and attacking an unsuspecting child in her bed. How could this be true of such a cute little animal?
Maybe these traits are why the writer of Song of Songs used the example of foxes to portray little things that can creep into a relationship and cause a great deal of havoc.
Many times we can let little irritations find a home in our minds and hearts. Grudges begin to form and threaten to erode the stability of our feelings toward those whom we love the most. These “little foxes” can jump out of the culvert and strangle all that is precious in a relationship.
The little fox of unforgiveness strangles the unity that is so important for closeness.
The little fox of gossip threatens the safety of a stable friendship.
The little fox of selfishness suffocates the desire to care for and love deeply.
The little fox of deceit disembowels the trust that is crucial for a lasting partnership.
One by one these “little foxes” do their devastating work on even the strongest of relationships, causing hurt, disenchantment, and even the death of something that God made to be beautiful and good. What a heartbreak!
There is only one thing to do. Remove these little critters before they do irrepairable damage. Offer forgiveness immediately; speak only the truth even when it is difficult; think of the other person’s needs even more than you do your own. Protect each other from hurtful words and ungracious thoughts.
Though I hate to admit it, these cute little creatures need to go. They will grow into cunning and sneaky adult foxes that will do more harm than good. They are not the kind of animal that you want to have slinking around your property. If they stay, they will only bring ruin and regret.It’s time to catch the foxes in our lives and send them packing!




  1. Lynn on August 6, 2021 at 5:31 PM

    Love those pictures! Thanks for sharing.

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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