Leave Your Baggage Behind

Leave Your Baggage Behind
June 29, 2015|||Emotions, Encouragement, Faith, Family Life, Help for the Hurting, Hope, Transforming the Mind
1 Samuel 10:22-23 “So they asked the Lord, ‘Where is he (Saul)?’ And the Lord replied, ‘He is hiding among the baggage.'”
How do people handle their insecurities? Each person has a different defense mechanism. Some try to hide from anyone or anything that would make them feel inadequate. Others create a good front, blustering their way through life while they hide their true feelings. Still others employ a combination of both. None of these are the best plan. The best method is to search for the root of the problem and face it head on with the truth.
The complicated figure of King Saul comes to mind as an example of how not to deal with insecurities. This fascinating man was chosen to be the first Israelite king because the people insisted that they wanted to be like the other nations. No longer did they want God to guide them through His chosen prophets and leaders. They wanted all the pomp and circumstance of a royal class along with what they considered the security that went with the rule of a monarch.
Saul looked the part. He was tall and handsome, a vision of strength and might. But despite his outward features, inwardly he was plagued with insecurities. In his first encounter with the prophet Samuel, he is told that his family is the focus of all of Israel’s hopes and dreams. Immediately he replied, “But I’m only from Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families of that tribe! Why are you talking to me?”
Later, as the prophet was getting ready to introduce the new king to the nation, Saul was nowhere to be found. The Bible says he hid himself among the baggage, and the people had to find him and bring him out. This huge responsibility was overwhelming for him, so he hid, probably trying to escape the press and gain control of his emotions.
Eventually he is crowned king and things go well for a while. The Spirit of God was with him and he was able to secure some victories for Israel. But over time he slipped away from reliance on the Lord and his confidence faltered.
One day when faced with a giant problem Saul felt completely helpless. God came through for the nation of Israel, but this time it wasn’t through their king. A young shepherd boy with great faith went out to face the giant Goliath carrying only a sling and five stones. Young David secured the victory over the Philistines, despite his youth and inexperience, because the mighty God of Israel fought for him.
David’s victory highlighted Saul’s failures. But instead of turning to God, Saul began a desperate campaign to keep control of the nation. Though he tried to maintain some semblance of religious activity, his heart was far from God. Saul’s attempts to do things his own way only lead to his own ruin. God had already decided to take the kingdom from him and give it to the young faith-filled shepherd, David.
The more Saul tried to wrestle control away from God, the more he sank into a pit of his own insanity. His soul was tortured by an evil spirit and his actions became more and more violent, even to the point of trying to kill his very own son. In a sad tale of history, Saul and his family perished at the hands of a neighboring enemy. What a waste of a life!
What can we learn from this tortured individual who had so much opportunity and potential?
All of us have our personal insecurities and issues. We have also developed our ways of handling or suppressing these weaknesses. But the way to be healed is to bring the root problem out into the open. Ask God to show you what your true struggle is and then face it head on with the truth of the Bible.
Gain courage to face fear with God’s promise of His almighty presence. Gain confidence with God’s promise that you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. Gain encouragement to face an uncertain future with the truth that God can do all things and that no purpose of His can be thwarted. Gain peace by surrendering all things to the One Who is the sovereign ruler of all the universe.
It is too late for King Saul. But it is not too late for us. Regardless of your manner of handling your weaknesses, face your struggles head on and combat them with the truth of God’s word. His power will take over when you are weak and He will give you all that you need to kiss your insecurities goodbye.