Knee High By the Fourth of July


Knee High By the Fourth of July

Judges 6:12 “The angel of the Lord appeared to him (Gideon) and said to him, ‘The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior.’”


Is your corn “Knee High by the Fourth of July?”
Supposedly this adage originated many years ago when farmers gauged their corn crop’s growth. If the crop did not measure knee-high by the United States’ celebration of Independence Day, then the crop wasn’t as mature as it should be.


This saying isn’t so accurate for today’s crops. As I was taking my walk recently I happened to notice that the stalks were over my head already and we hadn’t even reached July 4. There are many factors for this extra growth such as an earlier planting season, potent fertilizers, and better growing hybrids. But there is another phenomenon this Spring that has contributed heavily to the crop’s growth.


Though it hasn’t been a typical summer and the rainfall is getting pretty tiresome, much good has come from it. The huge amounts of rain we have been receiving this year have blessed the earth with the moisture it needs to produce our tall and thriving stalks.


Isn’t it interesting how the same is true in a person’s life? When rains of difficulties fall into our lives, they often produce personal growth. As we feel the drops of suffering pelt our faces, we can choose to allow it crush us or to make us stronger. When the difficulties fall on a fertile soil of right attitude and patient endurance, the fruit will be a tender spirit and a more vibrant faith.


We read in Judges 4 how Gideon grew in his faith as a result of a terrible trial. As he hid from a terrifying enemy that was oppressing Israel, God appeared to him. The difficult times that had fallen on the nation because of their great sins had caused this young man to struggle in his confidence.


The angel of the Lord spoke to Gideon and said, “The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior.” But Gideon responded by revealing his faltering faith, “If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened? And where are all God’s miracles, which our fathers told us about? I am afraid the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”


The Lord answered with a command and a promise. He commanded Gideon to go deliver Israel from the hand of Midian. He promised him he would be with him. Though Gideon was afraid he took a step of faith. God was trustworthy in the midst of a scary assignment and Gideon’s faith continued to grow. Eventually God used him to deliver the nation from this menacing enemy.


Into each life a little rain must fall – especially if you want your faith to have what it needs to flourish. A rain of difficult trials, a fertile soil of right attitude, and a great and trustworthy God are all that is needed for your faith to be at least “Knee High by the Fourth of July.”


So when the rain won’t stop falling, dig your roots in a little deeper and raise your hands to the sky. It’s going to be a great harvest.



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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