Needed Comfort For Those Who’ve Been Betrayed

Needed Comfort For Those Who’ve Been Betrayed
“But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress and the Lord hears my voice.”
Psalm 55:22
Dear Kids,
The world can be a mean place! Every day we come across people who don’t care about us and show very little to no concern for our welfare. Our families and loved ones soften the barbs of these uncaring human beings. But what about when the wound inflicted comes from a supposed friend? What about when you are betrayed?
The Pain of Being Betrayed
There isn’t much greater pain then believing someone has your back only to feel the edge of the trusted one’s knife gouge you from behind. But this kind of tragedy happens all the time. A spouse of many years falls for another. A best friend of childhood opens her heart to newer confidantes and leaves you out. A trusted advisor gives bad advice that furnished him with personal benefits at your expense. All of these and more rip open the heart resulting in throbbing pain and jagged shards of emotions.
David’s Psalm of Betrayal
The Bible isn’t silent on this type of distress. Many of David’s Psalms speak of relational anguish, and Psalm 55 specifically describes the wounds as coming from a friend. David had many enemies and often had to flee from those who hated him. But the hardest pill to swallow came from the betrayal of his companion and familiar friend.
The Psalm doesn’t identify the friend, but David calls him his equal and describes their intimate relationship. They had sweet fellowship and walked together in the house of God. All of the shared memories deepened the agony of the reproach, and the realization of the truth plagued David. He wished for the wings of a dove so he could fly away and find rest.
Trusting in God When Betrayed
But as always David found relief in expressing his anguish to God. Evening and morning and noon he articulated his complaints knowing the Lord heard and would redeem his soul from the battle waged against him. This kind of personal injustice doesn’t heal quickly but David knew he could cast all of his cares on the Lord Who would sustain him through the grief. The truth would win. David ends the Psalm with words of faith – “I will trust in You.”
To the lonely one who struggles because the love of your life has turned his back on you, you are not alone! To the marginalized one whose closest buddy has moved on and left you behind, you are not forgotten. To the abused one who wishes to escape the cruelty of them who should have protected you, you will receive justice. Others have walked this lonesome road before and found courage and love in the friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Jesus Experienced Wounds from a Friend
Jesus Himself experienced the worst kind of betrayal when a close friend handed Him over to His death. So He understands what you are going through, hears your heartbroken sobs, and will heal your wounds in time.
So like David, cast all your care upon Him and He will sustain you. The Lord listens to the cries of His betrayed child. He understands his or her plight. He humbles the proud. Put your trust in Him and He will not allow you to be shaken!
Read Psalm 55
For more on relationship conflict read: