God’s Faithfulness and a Powerful Visual Aid

God's Faithfulness

God’s Faithfulness and a Powerful Visual Aid

“This I recall to mind, Therefore I have hope. The LORD’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail, They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:21-23

Dear Kids,

Every good teacher knows the importance of using visual aids when teaching a lesson. There is something about a tangible object that cements the facts into the brain. God is the best teacher ever, and He regularly uses object lessons to cause His precepts to move from the head to the heart. He utilized different signs and symbols all throughout the Bible, and this week I received a personal visual aid of God’s faithfulness that fueled me with energy for the day!

A Difficult Morning

Thursday morning was one of those blah days. I hadn’t slept well and was dragging from the moment my feet hit the floor. To top it off exhaustion does its work in the mind and so many niggling problems kept pressing me further into the pit.

I stumbled down the stairs, boiled water for my cup of tea, and headed for my chair for my morning devotions. As I read my daily prayer guide, today’s verse captured my attention. This was just what I needed.

God’s Lovingkindnesses are New Every Morning

“Although everything feels heavy and dreary you must recall to mind the truth of God’s great faithfulness,” I encouraged myself. “The LORD’s lovingkindnesses never cease and His compassions never fail. Even on mornings when the day feels drab they are new and fresh!”

I finished up my reading with a quick prayer. “Lord, give me the strength I need to meet this day head on  . . . and please give me energy to walk the dog before I leave for work!”

A Visual Aid Reminder of God’s Faithfulness

I stepped out into the cold grayness, leash in hand, and started down the lane. As I plodded along something attracted my attention and I looked back towards the house. To my delight I saw a wide multicolored strip, like the rainbow colored jellied candies I used to eat as a kid, protruding from the sky to the northwest of the house. I could hardly believe the brilliance standing out in an otherwise dreary sky and a thrill coursed through me as I scrambled for my phone to photograph it.

After taking a few shots I returned to my walk with new energy. The only thing I could think of was that God wanted to show me visually that His mercies really are new every morning. I was walking away from the view, so I kept turning around to watch the strips that were growing taller and taller, reaching like arms up into the sky bringing new life and light to the day.

A Rainbow Reminder of God’s Faithfulness

All of a sudden I had the urge to run and sprinted, Apache jogging along, down to my normal turnaround spot at the bike path. When I turned to head home the strips had started curving up and around the sky where they met in the middle forming a huge arc over the road with a second bow framing the first one.

I literally laughed out loud at the incredible object lesson God had given me. He didn’t only want me to believe in my head that His faithfulness and morning mercies were great, but He wanted me to believe in my heart!

The warmth and energy produced by this wonderful visual aid continued throughout the day as numerous other people posted pictures on social media and talked about the beautiful sign of God’s faithfulness. I guess God wanted to give this object lesson to others as well as to me. And it really worked!

From now on when I wake up on other blah days I will recall this lesson. Maybe you will too! God’s mercies are new every morning. His compassions never fail. And He is always faithful!



More on God’s Faithfulness:

God’s Faithfulness to His Promises


  1. Larry K Bromagem on October 20, 2022 at 9:21 AM

    Another ‘inspirational message’! Thank you, Sandra!

  2. Nathan B on November 8, 2022 at 10:06 AM

    What a wonderful reminder of God’s faithfulness!!

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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