When ‘You Can Do Anything’ Isn’t Enough – Trusting God’s Power Over Human Limitation

God's Power

When ‘You Can Do Anything’ Isn’t Enough – Trusting God’s Power Over Human Limitation

“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.”

Jeremiah 32:17

Dear Friends,

“You can do anything you set your mind to.” This popular belief may inspire us to take action, but in reality there are limits to what humans can accomplish. Self-determination is valuable, but doing anything is another story. As it applies to the human experience, the statement is a downright lie. But when it comes to God’s power nothing could be truer.

Time to Take Control

In recent months I decided to get my health under control. For too long I had been caught up in a whirlwind of activities that left me with limited energy and a desire to take care of myself. Little exercise, poor food choices, and too many commitments contributed to a general feeling of exhaustion and unwellness. So I determined it was time to take control.

I dusted off my stack of healthy cookbooks, cleaned out the fridge, and purchased a pass to the local YMCA. In just a few short weeks of begging off desserts, saying “no” to every unnecessary request, and participating in aerobic classes, I am amazed at the change I see and feel. But, as much as personal determination can lead to positive change in some areas, it can’t solve the deeper, more complex challenges in life.

Sadly there are many things we just can’t do. We can’t heal a friend with a debilitating disease. We can’t mend broken relationships, especially when others won’t respond. We can’t stop disasters or undo poor decisions. And we can’t change the past or predict the future.

Hope in the Midst of Uncontrollable Situations

Yet, in the midst of these uncontrollable situations, there is hope. While humans are limited in what we can change, there is One who can do the impossible. He has been around since before time began. He created us, the world we live in, and the universe above. He understands the deepest thoughts and intentions of every heart and possesses great and unmatched power.

The LORD shows love to thousands, but also brings consequences for sin. His purposes are great and mighty and He accomplishes whatever He sets His mind to do. No one can thwart His plans. His eyes are open to the ways of all mankind, rewarding each person according to their deeds. – and nothing is too hard for Him!

I find these truths incredibly comforting in a crazy, out-of-control world. While it’s not true that we can do anything we set our minds to, we know Someone Who can, and He desires an intimate relationship with us. He tells us to call on Him and promises to answer. He finds joy in doing us good, and shares deep unsearchable things with those who diligently seek Him.

Through Christ we have a connection with our heavenly Father and His power. Despite weakness, our connection with the LORD provides all that we need. Through Christ we can do all things because He strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).

God’s Power Gives Hope

Consider this: We may not be able to heal a hurting friend, but we can pray for God’s grace to soothe her hurt. We can intervene in broken relationships by asking God to reveal the truth and convict of sin. In the midst of a disaster, peace will flood our hearts as we trust in our Father’s loving care. By accepting God’s gracious forgiveness, past mistakes dissipate into new chances and opportunities. All of this is possible with God!

While “You can do anything you set your mind to” may sound empowering, it’s ultimately a misleading sentiment. There is only One who can truly do the impossible. God’s power is limitless. So, instead of relying on human self-determination, bring your problems and desires to the Lord—because nothing is too hard for Him.



What situation in your life feels out of your control right now? Take a moment to pray and invite God into your problem, trusting that with Him, nothing is impossible. If this message resonates with you, share it with a friend who may need some encouragement.

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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