God’s Building


God’s Building

Dear Kids,

The verse of the day is I Corinthians 3:9. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.

Recently John-Keith has been working to rebuild the porch on our house. It is an old house and the portico, after seeing many years of weather and storms, had started to rot away in places. Birds had gotten up under the metal roof and built nests causing further damage to the rickety overhang. Upon tearing down certain trusses he realized the extent of the damage and needed to go out and buy new strong lumber to replace the rotted ones.

It would have been foolish for him to pull a few branches off of the nearby tree, or, worse yet, to get some hay from the barn to try to replace the damaged places. Even if he were able to get it to stay, the first gust of wind would have blown everything to the ground, making a bad situation worse. Thankfully there is a Lowe’s store nearby and he was able to secure the sturdy boards needed to finish the job.

God is also constructing a building. Throughout the ages He has been building His church, which is made up of all who are believers in His Son. The Lord Jesus, Himself, is the foundation stone on which He is building the church, and each of us who trust Christ as Savior should be contributing by building on this sure and solid foundation with building materials that will last. It is very important that everyone who works for God be careful how he builds. When we get away from what the Bible teaches, we are on very shaky ground. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one that is already laid in Jesus.

As we pray for one another, encourage one another with God’s Word, and help each other through difficult times, we are building with materials that will last forever. Likewise, sharing the gospel and bringing others to Christ are adding to the foundation with components that are like gold, silver, and costly stones. We must make sure we are living out the things we say we believe and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power in all we do for God. When we are demonstrating Godly living, God will reward us.

But things done in our own strength and for personal gain are like building with wood, hay and straw. They will not stand the test of time. Though it may be hard to tell for now who is building with what , in the end each man’s work will be shown for what it is. It will be revealed by fire and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. 

I trust my new porch will provide shade and protection for a good long time because John-Keith is using sturdy lumber. God’s church will stand longer still, but will your additions be part of the final building?



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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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