Heavenly Treasures – An Investment Worth Making

Heavenly treasures

Heavenly Treasures – An Investment Worth Making

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:19-21

Dear Kids,

Over the years most of us collect a wide variety of unique items we would consider treasures. These might be displayed on a mantle piece or hung on the wall. But often times in the course of life these special trophies find their way into a storeroom where they are forgotten or even ruined over time. When they are rediscovered in a state of disrepair it causes one to question the true value of the item. That is why the best type of investment is in heavenly treasures.

Old Farmhouses and Limited Storage

I love living in an old farmhouse. The spacious rooms trimmed with wide boards, decorative staircase, and oversized windows create a sense of comfort and nostalgia from slower paced and simpler days. But the one thing that many old farmhouses lack is sufficient storage for our modern times. Our original one-foot deep closets housed only a few wooden pegs and not much more. I guess the people of years ago didn’t have the same need or opportunity to collect things as we do today.

Needless to say we needed to come up with a plan for our many important items we wanted to store for future use. So we built an addition to the old home and included a small basement area underneath. This spot has become our best storage area for things we wanted to keep safe until recently.

The Fallacy of Earthly Treasures

A few weeks ago when the sky let loose and the creek flooded we found ourselves in a pickle. The sump pump in our basement couldn’t keep up and in a few short hours we had nearly a foot of water filling our cellar. Tubs of special dishes fell over, the freezer lifted off the ground, and shelves of items started floating away.

A dear friend and plumber came to the rescue with a long hose and pump and after a few days we were able to sort through and wash most of our important stuff. But you wouldn’t believe what we threw away. All of a sudden the things I had thought so important didn’t have much value any more, and they ended up in the trash.

Heavenly Treasures – A Better Investment

It just goes to show that Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount was right. We shouldn’t focus all our attention on storing up earthly things without any thought for the heavenly. The treasures of earth don’t last. Over time they can be stolen, become rusted, moth eaten, or even ruined by a flood.

Jesus implored His listeners to store up treasures in heaven instead of on earth. These only grow more precious over time and the lasting value is exponential. A kind word, a sacrificial financial gift to a friend, an act of mercy for a hurting neighbor – these are treasures that last for eternity.

So if you think you need to create more space to stockpile your special treasures or purchase a storage locker to keep all your important personal property secure, you might want to reconsider. Why not give those things away and start accumulating heavenly treasures instead? Your heart will be in the right place and you’ll never have to worry about a little water in the basement.




  1. Abigail Sheridan on October 1, 2021 at 12:40 PM

    I love this! Sometimes I can become too focused on material things. This is such a good reminder!

    • Mama on October 5, 2021 at 11:14 AM

      Thanks, Abigail! I have that problem too.

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Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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