
Power over Death

It was a sad day! Most of Jesus' followers had deserted Him and only a few stood around watching in horror as their Lord was dying on a Roman cross. As they tried to piece together the events of the last week they strained to recall all the things He had told them over the past three years. They wanted to make sense of the circumstances, but their grief-filled hearts wouldn't allow it.

Lessons from Another Country – Think of Others

Moving up the walk towards the big house a familiar feeling stirred in the pit of my stomach. When I was younger whenever I had to enter a crowd of strangers I would feel very nervous and hope that I wouldn't be awkward and alone. Today a few of us were attending a dinner and Bible study that was comprised of many strangers, quite a few of whom were international students. I am not very good at small talk and wondered if this would be one of those times when I would stick close to Dad and let him carry the conversation. 

Christ-like Attitude

Over the years I have noticed that there are many people who have a negative self image. They do not recognize that they have been specially made by God and are loved by Him, not because of what they do or what they look like, but because of who they are. Often when people struggle with this lack of self worth they tend to put others down thinking that this will make them feel better about themselves. 

Loose Lips Sink Ships

"Loose lips sink ships" is a term used in WWII to warn against unguarded talk. The United States Office of War Information utilized this phrase on posters during the war. The posters were created to warn servicemen and citizens to guard against careless talk about secure information that might be used by the enemy. The slogan particularly warned that talk about ship and troop movements and destinations, if overheard by the enemy, could result in our ships being sunk by German U-boats. The phrase has remained in use and today generally means to avoid all careless talk.

A Dangerous Enemy

That was the cry of the newspaper girl in the recent Cedarville Middle School production of Kilroy was Here.  Who doesn't love a good mystery? That is just what we got to enjoy as Abigail, two cousins, & many friends all worked hard to provide quality entertainment as well as an important history lesson for each of the attendees. 


I dragged myself out of bed a few months ago burdened by many questions and concerns. I had tossed and turned all night as my mind churned on and on, unwilling to shut down. I had only just fallen into a deep sleep when the grating sound of the alarm startled me and I knew I had to get up. After making lunches and saying goodbye to you kids leaving for school I sat down in my chair and wondered how I would ever get through the day. I opened my Bible to Isaiah 40 hoping to supernaturally imbibe some hidden strength from the words on the page. I waited and prayed and after a few minutes felt that I could at least take a shower and get going to work.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men: Physical and Spiritual Sight

Jesus heals two blind men and shows compassion on them despite their social standing. Today Jesus imparts spiritual sight to all who cry out to Him.
servant leadership

Servant Leadership: The Ultimate Example

Jesus shared His heart with His disciples and they weren't paying attention. Consequently they missed the greatest example of servant leadership.

The Parable of the Vineyard: It’s Not Too Late For Grace

Jesus told the parable of the vineyard workers to illustrate God's amazing grace. God will have mercy on whom He will, so it is not too late for grace!

The Importance and Benefits of Servanthood

Repetition is one key to knowing what God says is important. Jesus continually spoke of the importance of the countercultural theme of servanthood.
Finding Eternal Life

Finding Eternal Life and the Rich Young Man

There is something the Do-It-Yourselfer can't accomplish. This is attaining eternal life. A rich young man found this out when he spoke with Jesus
Let the little children come to me

Let the Little Children Come to Me: The Inestimable Value of Children

 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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