
Lost Dreams

There were many times years ago when the voices of talking vegetables would entertain you kids while I would sit down for a much needed rest. Though I didn't always like for you to watch lots of TV, I didn't mind the VeggieTales episodes because I knew it would keep you happily busy while at the same time teaching wholesome Bible lessons. That is why when Dad suggested I read a book he had just finished, Me, Myself, & Bob by Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales, my interest was piqued.

A Friend of God

Do you have an insatiable desire to know God? Moses did. Reading this verse I recognize the passion of one craving to experience God and His ways on a deeper level than most of us do today. What brought Moses to this place of desire?

Show me Your glory

This seems like a very bold request for a man to ask of God, but God granted Moses this desire. Moses had been called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and through the desert to the place that He had prepared for them. This was not an easy task and there were many discouragements along the way. 

Christ, The Lamb of God

A deep loud voice echoed through the wilderness of Judah, "Take notice, this man is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Two weathered men smelling of fish and sea salt listened to the words of the hairy man dressed in camel skin. "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Could this be the promised Messiah?" they wondered. "Lamb of God" brought to their minds the many times they had travelled to the temple to sacrifice a perfect lamb to pay for sins committed. The blood of those lambs never took sin away, but only provided a temporary covering.  How many lambs had died over the years as those sacrifices needed to be completed over and over again? But now this rugged, long-haired man with the powerful voice was pointing to One who could completely remove the sins of the world. These two disciples packed up their things and followed this man called Jesus, the Lamb of God, to see if it was true.


It happened again! For the second time this winter a deer came bounding out from the side of the road and blindsided one of our cars. Now we have two cars with huge dents and mangled hoods. You need to be so careful driving the back roads at this time of the year. Even when you are watching carefully these skittish animals can jump out unexpectedly and cause great damage.

Knowing Christ

I love to read the prayers of Paul. Many times I find myself praying these same prayers for my family, my friends and myself. Though Paul, in his love for people, was concerned about their physical problems, most of his prayers had an inward focus. He knew that what his world needed more than anything was a relationship with the Almighty God of heaven and that this was possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Powerful Impact of Forgiveness: How Many Times Should We Forgive?

Forgiveness is crucial for kingdom living. Not only is it important for our relationships, it’s healthy for our hearts as well. And it’s what God requires!
Wisdom for Life

Wisdom For Life: A Powerful Proverb For Every Day Living

Consider this powerful wisdom for life: When dealing with difficult circumstances dwell on thankfulness instead of frustration.
Conflict in the Church

Discover How to Effectively Handle Conflict in the Church

Every family has conflict and the family of God is no different. Jesus taught His followers how to effectively handle conflict in the church.
Warnings Against False Teachers

Don’t Follow False Teachers: Verify Your Facts

Wrong information can get you into trouble, so verify the facts so you won't follow false teachers and make a big mistake.
Encouragement to stay away from sin

The Amazing Power of Encouragement

Encouragement is crucial to every individual, and sometimes encouragement comes in the form of a warning or distraction. 
God's Forgiveness

God’s Forgiveness: The Best White-Out Ever!

I really love White-Out, but there is an ever more powerful way to blot out our mess-ups. God's forgiveness is found in Jesus.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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