
Jobs of the Levites: Honoring God in Your Job

The jobs of the Levites consisted of taking care of the tabernacle. We also have jobs and should do them heartily for God's glory no matter what.
Jobs of the Levites: Honoring God in Your Job

2 Deaths Precious in the Sight of the LORD

Death is a grievous thing, but for the believer it will be a glorious thing. It is precious in the sight of the LORD for we will see Him and finally be home.
Precious in the Sight of the LORD

God’s Work, God’s Way: A Guide for Successful Ministry

God’s work can only be done in God’s power by faith! Sometimes we get sloppy in ministry. That’s when we have to get back to the basics.
God's Work, God's Way

They Saw No One But Jesus: An Important Family Policy

Peter attended Jesus' transfiguration, but he got sidetracked. After God spoke, the men fell and when they got up they saw no one but Jesus.
They Saw No One But Jesus

Take Up Your Cross – Trusting God When Life Gets Hard

There may be difficult days you don't understand, but take up your cross and follow Jesus. Trust the One Who knows what he is doing.
Take up your cross

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Jesus's disciple, Peter, had many quiet hours with Jesus and God revealed Jesus's identity to Him. God also calls us, "Be still and know I am God."
Be still and know that I am God

Happy Slaves?

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we become His slaves. This doesn't sound very enticing and often we downplay this truth, focusing more on being God's friend, child, bride, sheep, etc. Though all of these pictures share glimpses of our place in God's family, it is a very real truth that when we give our lives to God, we are committing ourselves to Him to do what He asks and to live the way He commands. No longer do we live to please ourselves or others.

Suffocating Freedom

A few weeks ago I enjoyed watching your cousin’s hamster, Brute, running around in his glass cage. When tired of burying himself in the fluffy bedding, he searched around the outside of the glass looking for a way to escape the confines of his home.

Dear Kittens

I want you to know how much I love you. I really enjoy watching your silly antics and how you roll around with each other in one big fur ball. I enjoy watching you pounce on a bug and rustle under the hosta plants. I love to hold you on my lap and listen to you purr.

Salt Shakers for God’s Kingdom

You won't believe what we sold at yesterday's auction! I walked into the barn where the sale was being held and lying on the floor were flats and flats of salt and pepper shakers. There were hundreds of different shapes, from a pair of chickens, to geese, to giraffes. You name it, it was probably there sporting holes in the top to supply bland food with a flavorful zing.All the shakers were acquired by the same person who had collected them over the years. The purpose for these cute and crazy utensils is to dispense a common but useful seasoning for all sorts of fare. But the problem is that with this many in one home they were all relegated to a useless existence in a huge china cabinet.

Cranky Kittens

I chuckled as I watched the little balls of fur roll around on the concrete patio. One second they were a blur of yellow, black & white wrestling with passion and the next second the yellow was pouncing through the air trying to catch a fly while the black, brown & white was burrowing beneath the hostas along the porch.

Graduation Day and Beyond

This past weekend was a busy one. We went to numerous graduation parties, attended a graduation ceremony, and hosted a party for John-Keith. It was exciting and nostalgic to look back at all the photos showing the progression of maturity over the years. For this mama it was also a little disconcerting to think of how the years have passed so quickly. It seems like only yesterday I was bringing home a sweet bundle of good-natured joy. Now my third child, along with all his friends and classmates, have roamed the halls of our town's school for the last time - on to bigger and better things!

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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