
Tornado Warning

How many times have you ignored a warning? I've done it. Just a couple of days ago despite the tornado warnings that were all over the news I headed out the door to go to the school for Abigail's band concert. Upon arriving at Cedarville High School I parked the car and ran to the door to escape the impending rain clouds that threatened a severe storm. We were all immediately sent to the enclosed instrument practice rooms to wait for the all clear signal. Even then I toyed with the idea of just going home, but thought better of it when the principal suggested I wait in the school office.

Faith Sprouting Underground

Have you ever prayed long and hard for something and not seen what you consider an answer? Maybe you are praying about a decision that you need to make, a loved one who needs to come to Jesus, or a relationship that has gone bad. When praying for difficult things we look and look for God's answer. When it seems that nothing tangible has changed in our situation it is easy to start thinking that God hasn't heard us, doesn't care, or maybe we are just asking for the wrong thing. It is tempting to give up and only pray for "easy" things. This is not what God wants from us.

The Hatchlings

For the past week I have enjoyed watching a mother robin attending a nest of baby birds. On Monday I locked myself out of our office and had to go around to the back door to get in. When I turned the corner I heard loud persistent chirping and saw the male and female flying around and around in panic. That is when I saw the nest. They had built it on top of the electric meter by the back door. I stood on tiptoe to peek inside and the little featherless bodies were hardly moving. I could tell they had just been hatched by the egg shell remnants and the way they lay there exhausted from their entrance into the world.

I received dual citizenship

I looked around while we stood waiting in the big post office for our 10 o'clock appointment. We were alone except for the bald eagle that scrutinized us from the poster on the wall as if to determine our acceptability as US citizens. My thoughts were interrupted by a pleasant woman who appeared from behind the screen at the back of the desk. She directed us to a door where we entered a tight room and sat at a large table to wait some more. Soon she reappeared and we handed over the packet of information needed to apply for our passports. We had carefully gone over the list of essential items - original birth certificates, driver's licenses, applications, and, of course, the checkbook.

The Great Mushroom Hunt

It is beautifully warm day with a delicious breeze blowing the tree branches by my window. I am sitting in my chair reflecting on a busy day. We had an auction and because of the nice weather a number of people left early to enjoy the sunshine and work in their yards. I was surprised, though, that a number of buyers left to go mushroom hunting. I was told that today was probably the last day to find these honeycomb-like capped morels, and they were anxious to see what they could find. Though I have never hunted for these myself, I have tasted the delicious flavor when they are breaded and fried.

The Night Is Dark and Long – Lessons From an Old Farmer

Evil flourishes under the cover of darkness. This is because people believe the darkness will hide their sins from the public eye. But those who do right have no reason to hide. They can live in broad daylight with no fear.

The Powerful Impact of Forgiveness: How Many Times Should We Forgive?

Forgiveness is crucial for kingdom living. Not only is it important for our relationships, it’s healthy for our hearts as well. And it’s what God requires!
Wisdom for Life

Wisdom For Life: A Powerful Proverb For Every Day Living

Consider this powerful wisdom for life: When dealing with difficult circumstances dwell on thankfulness instead of frustration.
Conflict in the Church

Discover How to Effectively Handle Conflict in the Church

Every family has conflict and the family of God is no different. Jesus taught His followers how to effectively handle conflict in the church.
Warnings Against False Teachers

Don’t Follow False Teachers: Verify Your Facts

Wrong information can get you into trouble, so verify the facts so you won't follow false teachers and make a big mistake.
Encouragement to stay away from sin

The Amazing Power of Encouragement

Encouragement is crucial to every individual, and sometimes encouragement comes in the form of a warning or distraction. 
God's Forgiveness

God’s Forgiveness: The Best White-Out Ever!

I really love White-Out, but there is an ever more powerful way to blot out our mess-ups. God's forgiveness is found in Jesus.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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