
2 Deaths Precious in the Sight of the LORD

Death is a grievous thing, but for the believer it will be a glorious thing. It is precious in the sight of the LORD for we will see Him and finally be home.
Precious in the Sight of the LORD

God’s Work, God’s Way: A Guide for Successful Ministry

God’s work can only be done in God’s power by faith! Sometimes we get sloppy in ministry. That’s when we have to get back to the basics.
God's Work, God's Way

They Saw No One But Jesus: An Important Family Policy

Peter attended Jesus' transfiguration, but he got sidetracked. After God spoke, the men fell and when they got up they saw no one but Jesus.
They Saw No One But Jesus

Take Up Your Cross – Trusting God When Life Gets Hard

There may be difficult days you don't understand, but take up your cross and follow Jesus. Trust the One Who knows what he is doing.
Take up your cross

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Jesus's disciple, Peter, had many quiet hours with Jesus and God revealed Jesus's identity to Him. God also calls us, "Be still and know I am God."
Be still and know that I am God

An Important Warning – Learning From Jesus’ Disciples

In what ways do we need to think less of our temporal needs in order to hear and respond to the important warning in God’s words?
an important warning

Weight Watchers

I am going to admit it. After having all five of my children I had put on some unwanted weight. I tried and tried to get rid of it on my own, but it was not going very well. After trying many different tactics I gave in and paid the money to join Weight Watchers. I faithfully went to the meetings, paid my money, and kept track of everything I ate. Slowly, but surely, the pounds melted away and I felt free of the extra load I had been carrying.

Skunk on the Porch

It was 10:18 PM. Everyone was asleep when Uncle Chuck called to talk. I went out onto our side porch and settled into my new Cracker Barrel rocker to catch up on life. After we hung up I remained on the porch to think and pray. The cool breeze caressed my skin as I breathed in the fresh air. Bright pinpoints of light shone in the clear sky giving a sense of peace.

Great Expectations

I am the kind of person who develops great expectations. I have done this all my life. I have big dreams about how things should be but those dreams are often dashed when things do not turn out as I expected.

Faith of Four Friends

The men huddled together engrossed in deep conversation. For years they had loved and cared for their paralyzed friend with patient endurance. Day by day they had performed the most menial and primitive needs for this one who could do nothing for himself. They loved him and that is what kept them at their tasks.

Skeleton in the Attic

You just have to love old houses. They are full of surprises and you never know what you will find. Sometimes the surprises are fun, like when we took down our aged mantle piece and discovered some charred postcards written in the 1800's along with an old coin from 1825, and a couple of pictures from years past. But other surprises are not so pleasant.

The Aerial View

Recently while visiting a friend we got talking about the large pine trees in her front yard. They were randomly scattered around the lawn and over time had grown large and full. For many years they had provided hiding places for the children who played around them. For many hours they were an obstacle course for the lawn mower that had circled them. And on many days they provided a beautiful backdrop for family events and special pictures.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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