
2 Deaths Precious in the Sight of the LORD

Death is a grievous thing, but for the believer it will be a glorious thing. It is precious in the sight of the LORD for we will see Him and finally be home.
Precious in the Sight of the LORD

God’s Work, God’s Way: A Guide for Successful Ministry

God’s work can only be done in God’s power by faith! Sometimes we get sloppy in ministry. That’s when we have to get back to the basics.
God's Work, God's Way

They Saw No One But Jesus: An Important Family Policy

Peter attended Jesus' transfiguration, but he got sidetracked. After God spoke, the men fell and when they got up they saw no one but Jesus.
They Saw No One But Jesus

Take Up Your Cross – Trusting God When Life Gets Hard

There may be difficult days you don't understand, but take up your cross and follow Jesus. Trust the One Who knows what he is doing.
Take up your cross

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Jesus's disciple, Peter, had many quiet hours with Jesus and God revealed Jesus's identity to Him. God also calls us, "Be still and know I am God."
Be still and know that I am God

An Important Warning – Learning From Jesus’ Disciples

In what ways do we need to think less of our temporal needs in order to hear and respond to the important warning in God’s words?
an important warning

Never Alone

It is a terrible feeling to be lonely. Everyone experiences aloneness at different times in his or her life. There are periods when you are physically alone, but it is also possible to have this desolate feeling when surrounded by lots of people.

Are You OK with This?

Recently on an airplane trip I was asked to move from my assigned seat to accomodate a young family. I gladly moved to the new seat located by the exit door. I did not think much about it, other than there was more leg room, until the flight attendant approached and standing in the aisle between the seats launched into a memorized speech. I missed most of what she said until she neared the end. She asked those of us in these extra leg room seats, "Are you ok with this?" Most nodded in ignorant agreement, but I immediately queried, "Whoa, could you repeat that? What am I agreeing to?"

Word Handler

Recently we had an auction where we sold some very old and decrepit prints. The yellowed paper was ripped on the edges in a few places and one corner was folded up on itself. Though these old drawings looked like nothing special to the untrained eye, they were worth quite a bit of money and sold very well.

Dead Chickens

A number of years ago we raised our first flock of chickens. One morning, after having invested months raising these feathered friends, I went to the barn and met a disastrous sight. During the night a coyote or some other wild animal had bypassed our attempts at security, crept into the barn, and killed almost all of the birds.

God’s Building

Recently John-Keith has been working to rebuild the porch on our house. It is an old house and the portico, after seeing many years of weather and storms, had started to rot away in places. Birds had gotten up under the metal roof and built nests causing further damage to the rickety overhang. Upon tearing down certain trusses he realized the extent of the damage and needed to go out and buy new strong lumber to replace the rotted ones.
Jesus' Power to Heal

Jesus’ Power to Heal

Do you wish to get well? When brought to the point of decision, respond in faith and accept the cure that only Jesus' power can bring.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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