
The Powerful Impact of Forgiveness: How Many Times Should We Forgive?

Forgiveness is crucial for kingdom living. Not only is it important for our relationships, it’s healthy for our hearts as well. And it’s what God requires!

Wisdom For Life: A Powerful Proverb For Every Day Living

Consider this powerful wisdom for life: When dealing with difficult circumstances dwell on thankfulness instead of frustration.
Wisdom for Life

Discover How to Effectively Handle Conflict in the Church

Every family has conflict and the family of God is no different. Jesus taught His followers how to effectively handle conflict in the church.
Conflict in the Church

Don’t Follow False Teachers: Verify Your Facts

Wrong information can get you into trouble, so verify the facts so you won't follow false teachers and make a big mistake.
Warnings Against False Teachers

The Amazing Power of Encouragement

Encouragement is crucial to every individual, and sometimes encouragement comes in the form of a warning or distraction. 
Encouragement to stay away from sin

God’s Forgiveness: The Best White-Out Ever!

I really love White-Out, but there is an ever more powerful way to blot out our mess-ups. God's forgiveness is found in Jesus.
God's Forgiveness

Counterfeit Thinking

Our minds are a battlefield. Our enemy, Satan, the Father of Lies,  desires to confuse our thoughts and    lead us from the truth. He uses many tactics to entrap us with wrong thinking. The only way to combat this is to know the truth and to know it well.

How do you worship?

I have always been intrigued by this verse.  It is in the middle of the faith chapter in Hebrews. Jacob, one of the twin boys of Isaac, was on his death bed and, after blessing each of the sons of Joseph, he worshiped while leaning on his staff.

Follow the Lamb

The weather was warmer this morning. When I ran outside to take care of the animals, I saw the goats had ventured out into the field for the first time in a while. They were enjoying the pleasant sunshine and nibbling on the grass when they heard me coming. They looked up from their foraging, caught sight of me heading their way, and took off pell mell towards the barn. It made me smile to know they were so glad to see me. I provide their food, water, and comfort and they depend on me. We like it when others look up to us and follow us. It makes us feel wanted and important.

What’s in your lunch?

I make a lot of lunches around here. Sometimes when I lay out the bread for all the sandwiches I wonder if I will have enough to fill everyone up. Boys especially can really eat! I was reminded the other day of another young boy who packed up his lunch and headed out to hear Jesus teach.

This little light of mine – I’m gonna let it shine

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!" Like a voice from the past, the words of this child's song came to me the other day. Have you ever felt very tiny in a vast world filled with millions of people? Sometimes the desire to make a difference can be overwhelming. It is easy to wonder what kind of an impact you are having on the world around you. What will you leave behind when it is time for you to depart from this earth?

Look for the Sparkle

Look what I found!  I glanced up from my desk to survey the blanket of snow that surrounded our office. Even more had fallen during the night. It resembled a white desert edged by leafless trees and a hopeless tangle of barren brambles. Only months ago this same spot had been filled with vibrant life - shades of green punctuated by birds of various hues flitting back and forth, chirping happily as they whistled to their mates.  I sighed and dropped my head back to the ledger in front of me when out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash.  I strained to peer into the wild jumble of briars.  That is when I saw it - a crimson jewel on a breast of milky white snow.  The male cardinal fluttered closer and landed on a piece of dead wood. Creeping nearer I silently raised my camera to the window pane, and snapped a picture capturing this glimpse of beauty in a barren wilderness.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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