
Jesus and the Temple Tax

Did Jesus have to pay the temple tax? Jesus, God's Son, humbly came down and submitted Himself to this world all because He loves us.
fishing for the temple tax

Jobs of the Levites: Honoring God in Your Job

The jobs of the Levites consisted of taking care of the tabernacle. We also have jobs and should do them heartily for God's glory no matter what.
Jobs of the Levites: Honoring God in Your Job

2 Deaths Precious in the Sight of the LORD

Death is a grievous thing, but for the believer it will be a glorious thing. It is precious in the sight of the LORD for we will see Him and finally be home.
Precious in the Sight of the LORD

God’s Work, God’s Way: A Guide for Successful Ministry

God’s work can only be done in God’s power by faith! Sometimes we get sloppy in ministry. That’s when we have to get back to the basics.
God's Work, God's Way

They Saw No One But Jesus: An Important Family Policy

Peter attended Jesus' transfiguration, but he got sidetracked. After God spoke, the men fell and when they got up they saw no one but Jesus.
They Saw No One But Jesus

Take Up Your Cross – Trusting God When Life Gets Hard

There may be difficult days you don't understand, but take up your cross and follow Jesus. Trust the One Who knows what he is doing.
Take up your cross

Inward Beauty

In our world of positive image awareness it is easy to become obsessed with our appearance. Everywhere we look there are examples of what our world holds up as attractive and successful. Just shopping at the grocery store bombards the mind with the possibilities and expectations for outward beauty. You must be thin enough, have the right hair color & style, apply your makeup correctly, & wear tight-fitting and stylish clothes that will attract attention. All of these mental gymnastics create a feeling of failure or striving in many women. Men experience this same pressure, only in a different way. Rarely, if ever, do you read a magazine article or see a commercial suggesting the need for inner beauty - it is always external.

God’s Presence

A heavy cloak of sadness enveloped Moses, Israel's leader. The enormous burden of leading this obstinate group of people pressed in on his heart, threatening to crush him under the weight. How could these men and women, after seeing all God had done for them, turn to another god? While Moses had been on the mountain of Sinai receiving God's instructions for His chosen people, they had gotten tired of waiting, gathered all the gold they could find, and proceeded to fashion the form of a calf to which they bowed down - as if an inanimate piece of mineral from the earth could do anything for them.

Power over Death

It was a sad day! Most of Jesus' followers had deserted Him and only a few stood around watching in horror as their Lord was dying on a Roman cross. As they tried to piece together the events of the last week they strained to recall all the things He had told them over the past three years. They wanted to make sense of the circumstances, but their grief-filled hearts wouldn't allow it.

Lessons from Another Country – Think of Others

Moving up the walk towards the big house a familiar feeling stirred in the pit of my stomach. When I was younger whenever I had to enter a crowd of strangers I would feel very nervous and hope that I wouldn't be awkward and alone. Today a few of us were attending a dinner and Bible study that was comprised of many strangers, quite a few of whom were international students. I am not very good at small talk and wondered if this would be one of those times when I would stick close to Dad and let him carry the conversation. 

Christ-like Attitude

Over the years I have noticed that there are many people who have a negative self image. They do not recognize that they have been specially made by God and are loved by Him, not because of what they do or what they look like, but because of who they are. Often when people struggle with this lack of self worth they tend to put others down thinking that this will make them feel better about themselves. 

Loose Lips Sink Ships

"Loose lips sink ships" is a term used in WWII to warn against unguarded talk. The United States Office of War Information utilized this phrase on posters during the war. The posters were created to warn servicemen and citizens to guard against careless talk about secure information that might be used by the enemy. The slogan particularly warned that talk about ship and troop movements and destinations, if overheard by the enemy, could result in our ships being sunk by German U-boats. The phrase has remained in use and today generally means to avoid all careless talk.

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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