
Servant Leadership: The Ultimate Example

Jesus shared His heart with His disciples and they weren't paying attention. Consequently they missed the greatest example of servant leadership.
servant leadership

The Parable of the Vineyard: It’s Not Too Late For Grace

Jesus told the parable of the vineyard workers to illustrate God's amazing grace. God will have mercy on whom He will, so it is not too late for grace!

The Importance and Benefits of Servanthood

Repetition is one key to knowing what God says is important. Jesus continually spoke of the importance of the countercultural theme of servanthood.

Finding Eternal Life and the Rich Young Man

There is something the Do-It-Yourselfer can't accomplish. This is attaining eternal life. A rich young man found this out when he spoke with Jesus
Finding Eternal Life

Let the Little Children Come to Me: The Inestimable Value of Children

 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”
Let the little children come to me

Divorce: Jesus’ Response to this Volatile Topic

The Pharisees tried to discredit Jesus by posing a difficult question about divorce. Jesus answered by pointing to God’s purpose for marriage.

I received dual citizenship

I looked around while we stood waiting in the big post office for our 10 o'clock appointment. We were alone except for the bald eagle that scrutinized us from the poster on the wall as if to determine our acceptability as US citizens. My thoughts were interrupted by a pleasant woman who appeared from behind the screen at the back of the desk. She directed us to a door where we entered a tight room and sat at a large table to wait some more. Soon she reappeared and we handed over the packet of information needed to apply for our passports. We had carefully gone over the list of essential items - original birth certificates, driver's licenses, applications, and, of course, the checkbook.

The Great Mushroom Hunt

It is beautifully warm day with a delicious breeze blowing the tree branches by my window. I am sitting in my chair reflecting on a busy day. We had an auction and because of the nice weather a number of people left early to enjoy the sunshine and work in their yards. I was surprised, though, that a number of buyers left to go mushroom hunting. I was told that today was probably the last day to find these honeycomb-like capped morels, and they were anxious to see what they could find. Though I have never hunted for these myself, I have tasted the delicious flavor when they are breaded and fried.

The Night Is Dark and Long – Lessons From an Old Farmer

Evil flourishes under the cover of darkness. This is because people believe the darkness will hide their sins from the public eye. But those who do right have no reason to hide. They can live in broad daylight with no fear.

The Accuser

No one likes to be accused of things. It leaves a sinking feeling in your stomach when you start wondering if your acquaintances, friends, and those you love will change their opinion of you because of the accusation. Sometimes you may even be accused of things that are not true and that is very disheartening. How will people know the truth? This is especially difficult living in a small town. There often seems to be nowhere to escape the gossip and stories that can spread like wildfire when everybody knows everybody. My grandmother used to say, "You can't stop people from speaking falsehoods about you, but you can live in a way so that no one will believe them." And yet it is very hard to feel confident while wondering what everyone is thinking.

Broken Things

I have been sitting here mentally making a list of all the broken things that need to be fixed at our house right now.

The Woman at the Well

The knot tightened in her stomach as it did every day when noon approached.  After furtively glancing out the window, she hoisted the water jug onto her shoulder and began the hot trek through town to the community well. 

Hi, I'm Sandy! 

I write inspirational letters based on the Bible that share words of hope, encouragement, truth, and healing to my children and anyone else who longs for a mama's touch.


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